What If I Get In Trouble

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-Haneul POV-

My fist was clenched, causing a sharp pain on my palm. I stared up at the building, it never seemed as intimidating as it did now.


?? Literally what ?? Who's talking to me and why ??

Seongeun ran up to me and suffocated me in her arms.

I whimpered out, "huh?"

She pulled away and her hands squished my cheeks together. I felt them begin to redden.

"I'm totally on your side, girl. A lot of people are. I don't know what the heck is wrong with Chohyeon but do not worry. We will make sure we get our revenge."


"Yeah. I mean, cause you're the victim. She should get punished by the principal at least."


Seongeun recognized the doubt in my voice, "You are gonna tell him, right?"

"What if I get in trouble? Y'know, for the videos and... stuff."

"What?! Of course not! That's not his business! What Chohyeon did is considered bullying. Even cyber bullying. So it doesn't matter if he's the principal. If he tries to get you in trouble, do not hesitate to throw hands. Defend yourself."

I sighed, "okay."

The school bell rang and Seongeun waved goodbye as she ran in. I stayed still outside the door, drowning in my anxiety and overthinking.

I finally built up enough courage to walk up the two little steps. I gripped my hand around the door handle and held my breathe. I finally turned the handle to go in.

However, my dramatic moment was ruined as the handle didn't even turn. I was locked out.

I chuckled nervously.

I'm so silly and goofy 🤪. Okay, but I seriously need to do this now.


I pulled on a loose string from my t-shirt as i sat on the metal-cold bench outside the principal office.

I flinched at the loud squeak of the door. I turned in my seat and looked up at Mr. Ahn. I practically shivered at his cold glare.

"Come in Ms. Park."

Ew. What's with the formal stuff?

He gestured for me to take a seat but I was already on it.

"Uh- okay. Do you know why you're here Haneul?"

"Because I asked to talk to you...?"

"Ah, that's right. Turning yourself in?"

I blinked at him, "no."

"Well then, what is it?" he sounded annoyed, as usual.

"I want to report bullying."

He raised an eyebrow so quickly, it seemed more like a twitch.

"What student?"

"Ahn Chohyeon."

He chortled.

"This isn't funny, Mr. Ahn."

"It is actually, because Chohyeon recently reported you."

"What the—for what?!"

He smirked, "Oh, you know."

I never liked him but, wow, he is really dislikable right now.

"See, but that doesn't break any school regulations. What Chohyeon did, however, is definitely not permitted. Or, at least, it shouldn—"

The door creaked and I shut up as to avoid being eavesdropped.

"Hey Daddy, guess wha—"

qUe ?!

I quickly turned in my seat. My jaw dropped as I stared at the figure in the doorway.


"Oh! Hello, Haneul."

Daddy?! Are they sleeping together? Wait. No, that's not logical. Only I would think of that, ahaha.

"You called him what?"

Chohyeon giggled creepily as she walked to stand behind Mr. Ahn's seat. Her hand lay comfortably on his back rest. I eyed them as I waited for a response.

(A/N: happy 100th episode! i apologize sincerely for the delay in this update. i haven't been doing very good mentally but i'm working hard to improve. please wait for me.)

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