Chapter 125

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A/n: Band camp has ruined me, i'm a freshman and I was so confused when we were learning drill, that put too much stress in my life.

Anyways that's why this chapter was so delayed 😅😅😅


•Prison breaks

•Religion talk, but it's Remy making fun of coffee rules so nothing too bad I hope

Lucia found it strange that they hadn't brought her or Virgil-heck, everyone in for questioning yet. To gather more evidence, to get their views on the story-but maybe they didn't need to know their stories. Maybe they had enough evidence.

She wasn't really that concerned with it. She just wanted the whole situation to be over already. All she could wonder was what the hell had happened with Andrew.

How could he have looked at his son, looked at Virgil all those years ago, and than not want to change for the better-not want to change for him?

She stared at the ceiling and pondered on her day. She was helping Alex go apartment shopping-he'd actually managed to land a job with Lucia's help, and he'd almost been able to save up enough to get into his own little apartment too!

He was going to get one of those complexes where he shared an apartment space with a few other people, so he only had to pay a portion of the rent. Alex was a social person, so he loved the idea of roommates.

  She had told him that he could stay  longer if need be, but Alex was really excited to start this new path in his life, and Lucia was so proud of him. She felt like he was her kid and she was waving him off to college or something.

Which she would he doing for Virgil very soon-

Dear god she wasn't ready-

Also, it was nice for Virgil to have a positive older male figure in his life, even if not as a father. It was like Alex was a fun and crazy uncle to Virgil, and Lucia loved the 'energy' and how they 'vibed' so well together.

She was also very proud of her hip new vocabulary, Logan had been teaching her from some of his vocabulary cards when they were in the waiting room at the hospital together to see Rose.


When Raegan woke up, she was met with two officers. One was there to take notes, (probably a newbie) and the other one was there to talk with her, to get some answers and all.

Raegan was confused at first, before remembering what had happened, "is he-is he close?" She whispered, hugging her knees, "he isn't nearby? You wouldn't let him near me would you..?"

The officer shook his head, "he's in a cell, he is in captivity, he can't get out."

"Okay" she whispered.

A few silent seconds passed before the officer asked, "so...what was all that in the cafeteria about?"

"I-he-he...well, let me start from the beginning-I didn't know Andrew for that long-about a year ago I was out with the gal's at a bar, we had a few drinks, and were having a great time..I was out with the girls because as a loyal wife to my husband, Richard, I knew that the group of girls would be able to talk my drunk mind off of any dumb stuff, you know?"

"And this bar, it's where you met Andrew?" The officer asked.

"More like where he snatched me up! I had no clue that any of this would happen! But there I was, alone with's like he kidnapped me! Of course, I was still to live my normal life with my husband and kid, until I just couldn't take it anymore."

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