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(I luv that sung)👆👆

(I luv that sung)👆👆

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Dentzzz POV


I still couldn't get over the fact thats my child and

Py cheated on her she probably not even going to wanna talk to me cause his ugly ass

"HEY BITCH WHAT U THINKIN BOUT"Kd irritating ass came over here interrupting my thoughts
"Nigga gtf on wit yo irritating ass"I said

"DAMN UGLY ASSS BYEE"he said mugging me

I sighed

I mean it's not his fault-it is but
If she dont to see me I don't blame her cause I wasn't in her life for 12 or 13 years thats to long bruh

I thought in my head

I looked at Py just to see him staring at jayami

She was just dancin to the music they put on

I got a texted from "My girl"

"Damn bitch what u want ran through ass pussy" I mumbled

"Damn bitch what u want ran through ass pussy" I mumbled

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