Oh I So Love Her!

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Kabeer's POV

God!! Nothing can be more good in this world other then this feeling. The feeling of love. I can literally twirl her around whole day if it was possible.

Oh I so love her!!

We reached mansion and was about to ring the bell but saw the door opened.

"Don't know where they are? It's eight in the morning" Maya mom sighed

"We're here" I announced and she looked at me.

"Kabeer, Baani!! Where were you! Oh God. Are you both okay. We were so tensed when we didn't find you anywhere" she fretted

"Hey! Calm down ! We're good! We're here" I assured

"So why the hell you left your phone at home Kabeer. After yesterday we were so tensed! You know that right" dad scolded

"I didn't want any disturbance in my work so I left it" I told and all the three faces glared me.

"And can I know the so important work of yours Kabeer Mittal" dad demanded

"I wanted to Marry" I told

"You're married" Maya mom replied with a bored tone

"I want to marry again!" I said and they both looked at me shocked.

"Are you out of your mind Kabeer Mittal. Your wife is standing right beside you and you're saying this all. How can you even think of marrying another woman" Maya mom raised her voice and I suppressed my laughter.

"Kabeer! Stop frightening them" Baani said and I chuckled raising my hands!

"Dad.. Maya mom.. he wants to marry me.. Again" she announced and still both faces looked at me shocked

"You both are already married!!" Dad said with a duh tone.

"Without meaning.. without understanding.. just for name sake. That time it was just for mom, this time, I want to marry her for myself!" I told and Maya mom raised her brow smirking a bit.

"Wait. Is here something else we should know. Because Baani, you're smiling a bit more then usual and I see a beautiful diamond on your finger" She said and Baani bit her lip.

"Stop doing that" I muttered in her ear and she giggled

"I..umm..asked her for marriage..that's it..it's the reason I gave her the ring" I told scratching the back of my neck and Baani laughed.

Why am I being so damn shy!!!!

"He confessed his feelings to me Dad and Maya mom. After freaking so so many months, I listened what I was dying to listen everyday" Baani revealed and I smiled looking down.

How is she...so blunt in front of her in laws..I mean I'm not able to say that in front of my own parents...

That's because you've never!!

And she's The Baani Bajaj, Kabeer Mittal!!

Known for her bluntness!!

"Oh my God! Finally! Finally !" Maya mom screamed happily and hugged us both tightly.

"Wait a second, I'm not understanding anything. I mean you confessed today.. what does that mean? Aren't you both in love since so many months?" He asked and we all looked at each other.

Oh I was dad!

I didn't understand but!

"Am..I missing something? " he asked again and Baani looked confused at me.

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