Name of the snake

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AN - POSSIBLE CONTENT WARNING CAUSE I'M PARANOID!!! There is one usage of the word "slut" in this chapter. It's original intent is an affectionate joke, and also the sentence it's used in was written by Salazar Slytherin because he didn't want his friends guessing his password.

A greenish white bolt of light shot out of Lockhart's wand. Harry didn't even have time to think before he was yanked to the floor by Draco. The spell shot over the two second years' heads and hit a mirror behind them, bouncing back and hitting Lockhart in the chest. Draco and Harry slowly stood up, but Lockhart didn't move.

"He's been knocked out," Draco said. "What should we do now?"

"We don't have time to find a teacher, and we haven't been taught any spells to send messages to someone. But I know where the Chamber is, approximately, even if I don't know how exactly to get there."

"We can use our rings to tell the others," Draco suggested.

"We never came up with a pattern for 'tell the teachers that Draco and Harry went to the Chamber of Secrets in Myrtle's bathroom', dumbass," Harry deadpanned.

"Good point," Draco mumbled.

"Come on, we don't have time for this right now. Let's go talk to Myrtle."

The boys made their way to the ghost's bathroom, and slipped in.

"Myrtle?" Harry called.

"Hello, Harry Potter. You're Luna's friend," a girlish voice replied.

"Yes, this is my friend Draco. I'm sorry to ask, Myrtle, but could you tell us how you died?"

"Oh, it was horrible! I'd love to tell you! I was crying in my cubicle, this one here, because Olive Hornby was making fun of me again, when the door opened. I expected to see Minnie, because she always came to comfort me, but before I could go out to see her, I heard a boy's voice speaking in a strange language I'd never heard before. I stormed out of my cubicle to tell him to go away. Then I saw these great big yellow eyes, and a moment later I saw my body lying below me. I stayed to get my revenge on mean old Olive Hornby, and now this is my bathroom."

"Thank you, Myrtle. Can you tell me where you saw the eyes?" Harry asked.

"They were right here, where this sink is," she replied.

"Perfect, thank you again, Myrtle. I hope to see you soon!" Harry exclaimed as he headed over to the sink to examine it.

"If you boys die down there, you're welcome to join me in my bathroom," Myrtle giggled.

"Er, thanks," Draco said nervously. "We'll keep that in mind."

"Oh, I knew you'd be polite!" Myrtle simpered as Draco walked to Harry to see if he could help.

Harry studied the sink carefully, then saw a carving of a snake. "Draco!" he called. "Over here!"

Draco came up beside him and studied the snake. Under it he saw a line of strange squiggly shapes that slithered in different patterns. "What's that below the snake?" he asked.

Harry looked at Draco, confused. "It's words, Draco. Do you need glasses?"

"Harry, that's not English, and I don't know another language you spe—Oh. Right." He paused for a moment. "Wait that means Parseltongue has a written language! That's so cool!"

Harry blinked at the words in confusion for a moment, then hissed at the sink. He he he, you ssslutsss wink will never guessssss my passssssword? "What in Merlin's left sagging-" he trailed off as the sink sank into the floor, revealing a winding staircase. "What kind of password is that?!" Harry practically yelled.

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