Chapter 4

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Isabella's POV-

Most people love the silence. They believe it relaxing. Not me. The silence is a nightmare. You have nothing to distract you from your thoughts. Your fears. And yourself. Every passing moment feels like an eternity. It's a cliche really. How such little time passes in what feels like forever.

Why do you choose this life?

You've had one to many second chances out of this life why are you still here?

To be honest I don't know the answer to my own thoughts half the time. To say I did would be a lie but it
wouldn't matter because people are liars. We lie to others. To ourselves. Everyone does it at some point. But when does the chain end. The truth is, it doesn't.  You'll always be a liar after the first lie you tell and nothing can change that

"Excuse me hun?" A voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I say facing the voice which comes from an older woman.

"There are no other seat on the train and quite frankly my bones are a little weak to be standing this long. Do you mind if I have your seat? I would appreciate it dearly." She asked kindly.

"Oh of course. Please do sit." I grabbed my purse and stood.

"Thank you dear. Say you are pretty thing."

"Why thank you, miss?"I say indicating I want to know her name.

"Why you can call me Shirley love. I have a nephew who I think would love to meet you." She says with a grin.

"Im Isabella and while that's a generous offer I'm not into men." I reply with a small smile.

"Oh well I have a granddaughter as well. She more like a daughter but she's into women as well. Although she's not a committing type. I swear that ragazza frustrates me. I love her but my lord she definitely needs some Jesus," she pauses, "And an actual girlfriend."

"She sounds like a wonderful woman." I say while trying to contain my laughter.

"I'm not joking. She has people fall at her feet. Straight, gay, bi, and my god so many men. Yet out of all of them she can't choose one. Doesn't even take a second glance at them. It's ridicola. She's busy with work is what she tells me. I will say she does make time to visit and call me weekly tho. Im proud of what she's accomplished but I just want her to be contenta and to sorridi again." She says with a sad smile.
(Translation- ridiculous, happy, smile )

"Well you sound like you love her very much and she loves you. I'm sure there is someone out there who will be the right one for her." I say.

"I know I just would like to see it before I kick the bucket. I'm quite a few years past my prime. I want to go out knowing my ragazza is happy and has someone to take care of her. And someone who will gripe at her as much as she does to me when I don't take my meds." This makes me giggle a bit.

"Sorry honey I'm rambling and when I ramble I get into some Italian shit. That's what I spoke 90% of the time back in my day." She says.

The train slows telling me it's time to get off.

"Well Shirley it was wonderful meeting you but I'm afraid this is my stop."

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