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Luna walking through the corridor of hospital,going towards psychology department,(Thinking)When will I see end of this terrible torture?I am really sick of coming here.She enters the psychologist room.Paul(Psychiatrist says)Come.Luna said "Can I have consultation today too? Paul said "Ofcourse".Paul says "Luna!Tell me everything." Luna says "That dream,I dream it again." Paul says "What did you saw in that dream?" Luna says "People were......People were.....People were pushing me really hard while telling what they expect from me and I couldn't do anything,I was nearly breathing,I was not feeling any strength in my body to stop them,I was too scared and then I fell from the cliff and then I suddenly woke up."Paul said "Is your exam time near?" Luna said "Yes." Paul said "Then you have lot going in your mind,in that case write a diary Hmmmm,you don't have to write a page or long sentences just one word that bothers you or you hate.One word is enough and don't rip pages because I will check next time you will come.Okay." Luna said hopelessly "Will that really work?Anyway I will do that because I have promised."Luna left.

As Luna enters house,in the living room,her father slaps her and said "Where were you that you are entering now?" Luna scared and said "For walk." Her mother said "Do you have time to go for walk?" Father said "Exams are near and what for walk.even one minute is precious for you right now."Luna said "I am sorry.I will make up for that."Father said "Even if you don't say you have to.Is it a joke to enter prestigious university.You have to study night and day to get in there." Luna said "I am sorry." Mother said "Will sorry make up for the time you lost for study.Hurry and go inside your room and study.Don't come out for dinner I will give you in your room." Luna said "Okay." Tears in Luna eyes and she went into her room and burst while keeping her voice low she cries and goes to study."

At night her mother enters her room with some fruits and said "We have high hopes set on you.You have to do your best and don't make us disappoint.Understood." Luna said "Yes.I will do my best."Mother pat her head and smiles at her and said "Don't forget to eat them."and left after mother left Luna thought "They make me keep my hopes up on them when they are nice although I know they are not sincere but it gives me false hope that they love me instead of my grades but I am afraid and hate me for having this hope too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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