Explaining more things about my omega verse

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This isn't an update mor let of me just explaining my omega verse more.

Who it effects explanation

So as you know a heat is something transmitted from an omega, this is highly effective to near alphas.
It does have an effect on betas but it's not as drastic.
Other Omega's will not be able to smell it, but if the pheromones are very strong it could cause other omegas to go into heat or pre-heat.
Betas will smell it but have no strong reaction to it.
They won't have the instinct to go towards the smell.
Basically betas are neutral to everything, like normal people.


Pre-heat is like having the symptoms of heat without the smell of the pheromones, ex. weakness, fever, easily being bruised or injured, and fainting.
Pre-heat could last for a few hours up until a day.
A pre-heat indicates that a heat is coming soon, usually a week or a few days before the real heat occurs.

Smell explanation

The smell of the pheromone depends on the person.
Like how rins was a very sweet smell, for another person it could be sour.
Though the alphas taste depends on how they react to it.
If the alpha like sweet things they will react positively to it, or negatively depending on their intentions.
But if the alpha doesn't like the smell they will get as far from it as possible.

Heat explanation

A heat was a lab experiment made by the government to increase birth rates, basically to make people have more children.
This was tested on 5 sick females and 5 sick males.
The females were given a sample of dna from an animal that goes into heat (the animals were later let back into it's habitat unharmed) , and were observed for 30 days.
The men were given a sample of the same animal that reacted to the smell of the pheromones.
They were sick so they immune system wouldn't fight the unknown source, basically just ignore it, and by the time they were back to full health it would already be apart of the body.

All the test subjects survived, females were put into a room with 1 male each, with a set up like a regular house at the time.
The females and males engaged in sexual intercourse, the males reacting to the females hormonal reaction during their heat period.

The result was as they wanted, all 5 women had healthy children who either shared the trait of alpha or Omega.
Once they had children they were pet back out into the world. (They were all willing participants)
Later down the line betas were introduced from a common genetic mutation, basically neutral.

The government were happy with the turn out nonetheless, but crimes involving sexual harassment increased.
Which caused them to spend thousands of dollars protecting omegas with specific laws and funding the heat surpessant operation.
Medicine that could be taken to weaken a heat or prolong it, it could be taken regularly or at specific times.

Explaining the mix of beta and omega in rin

Rins genetics confused the doctors that looked into him.
He was beta and omega at the same time, they thought it was a technical error but it wasn't.
They made the decision to write him off as both.
Though they were sure he was just a late bloomer and was actually a omega.
Make omegas were are very rare so it was more likely he was just a beta, but he was both.

Explaining omegas and alphas

Omegas are males and females who go through a heat 3 times a month.
A period where when they become 16 they transmit a smell that lures alphas to them so they can have children.
It's considered a genetic mutation of sorts to be an omega or alpha.
A female has her/ their period until they become 16, (it doesn't stop exactly and they will more than likely have 1 final one before they get their heat)

Alphas are venerable to this smell and will instinctively try to mate with the omega in heat unfortunately the omega usually doesn't have a say in this so they will most likely be sexual harassed by the alpha, or worse.
It takes and alpha a lot of will power to deny the effects of an omegas heat, it's painful and it makes them very weak.

Explaining becoming mates with a alpha/omega

To become mates with a omega/alpha, both people must accept the other as their mate.
Most of the time after this happens children aren't made immediately after.
After a few weeks of becoming mates, they will have to make that choice themselves.
If they don't accept each other or one doesn't accept the other when one does, the mating process will fail causing the both to pass out, with the denying party waking up first, and given time to leave before the other party wakes up.
This happens usually to late though, and what's done has already happened.

Once you are mated with someone and decide they might not be the one for you, your stomach region begins to have a reaction of missing your partner very, very much.
So even considering leaving your partner effects you.
You can still cheat but with consequences, everytime you have sexual intercourse it will be very painful, or not feel as pleasure able.

Most of these unnatural things were tweaks and fixes to help fight sexual harassment cases.

Explaining classrooms and school situations

Classes are a mix of alphas, betas, and omegas.
They were made like this because most sexual harassment that were reported were by women and men in their late 30's so they thought it was safe.
And it was rare that a woman was an alpha or a male was a omega.

They had it be this way but with restrictions, omegas weren't allowed to play sports.
This was set so omegas because omegas had fragile bodies and were venerable in front of all of their team mates and coaches.
This was made for men and women, so many women sports clubs in schools shut down.

Thanks for reading, this chapter might have been boring to read.
But thanks for making it this far! (≡^∇^≡)
The next chapter should be out a soon so look forward to that!
Anyways have a nice day/night and take care of yourself and don't forget to drink water!
Love ya', I'll see ya' in the next one!!!!

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