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"Close your eyes and count to three."

Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes. It was like I got pulled out of reality, I didn't even realise I was walking down the stairs. It felt like walking on the surface of the water and I was getting pulled down.

Another step.

Another step.


Suddenly, a hand took hold of my upper arm. Opening my eyes, I was breathing heavily, unable to get the amount of oxygen I needed to fill my lungs. Looking up to see the owner of the hand, I found that it belonged to Nicholas.

He didn't say anything at first but just stared at me like I was a creature he was most keen on saving but ended up living behind to die. "Are you alright?", he asked.

I realised we were on the plateau of the staircase, taking a step back he released my upper arm and I took in a breath before responding. "All good." He didn't buy that, of course. Nobody would."Bad habit. I tend to zone out and become unaware of my surroundings", I paused, "Thank you for preventing me from falling flat on my face", I chuckled but it lacked all sense of humour.

Nicholas's face was serious as his eyes searched for the truth until I looked away and cleared my throat. 

"Thank you, again. You must excuse me now", I said and walked away. 

Now Tuesday, the first lecture was at 10 am, which was Geography. Making my way toward the class, my head started to hurt again. Getting headaches was a normal thing for me, but this felt different. I was walking at full speed until my shoulder collided with somebody else's. I looked up and saw Charles. He looked down at me with eyebrows furrowed as if I was weirder than I appeared to be.

"I'm so sorry. I'll watch where I'm going next time." I gave him a small smile before continuing to walk.

Finally, I reached Geography class. 

That felt like the longest trip of my life.

Taking a seat at my usual spot, I took off my backpack and took out my MacBook. After setting it on the table, I hung my backpack over the back of my seat. I happened to be a  few minutes early so I folded my arms and placed them on the table before resting my head over them. I closed my eyes. My head was pounding, if I open my eyes, I'll see the room spinning. 

15 minutes later

I heard the sound of a keyboard typing. My eyes flickered open. Groaning slightly, I pulled my head up while holding it. Turning to my right, Ashton was looking at me with a worried look on his face. 

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