Chapter 52: Sarah

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Luna's Pov

I rang the bell, of Cole's house. I have to cut short my sleepover because of Sarah. I don't blame her for that, I blame Britney because of her, all this happened. She shot Sarah kissing a girl purposely. She knew Sarah has not come out yet, but still, she shot the video and posted it on Instagram.

"Luna", Cole opens the door.

" Hey, where is Sarah?", I walk past him.

"She is in her room. Hey did something happened at a sleepover, she seemed off when Mom asked her why she came early, she snapped at her and slammed the door on her face, and locked herself inside her room", he tells me.

" You don't know what happened? Haven't you watched Britney's IG story?", I ask him.

"What is IG?", he must be kidding me? He doesn't know what is IG?.

"You really don't know, what is IG?",

" No", he shrugs. He hasn't watched the story, I also don't think he knows that her sister is gay. And I will not tell him also, it's not my secret to tell.

"I have to talk to Sarah",

" What? you want to talk to Sarah? Why?", he asks with wide eyes.

"I am sorry I can't tell you that, but I think Sarah needs a friend right now", I tell him and walk towards Sarah's room.

" Sarah it's Luna, please open the door", I knock on the door.

She opens the door"What are you doing here? Did you told my family?", she asks me worriedly.


" Then why are you here?",

"To talk to you",

" What?", she looks at me, with wide eyes.

"Yes", I walk past her in her room, and she closes the door behind me.

I sit on her bed, "Sit down", I tell her to do the same. She huffs and sits down.

" How long you have known?", I ask.

" Since last month",

"By your reaction, I guess your family don't know",

" Yes",

"So who she was?", I ask her about the girl, whom she was kissing.

" Her name is Rose before her I always thought I am straight, but she is enchanting and I started to get attracted towards her, but I was still not sure, about it, but when we got assigned for the project as partners. While working on a project, we came close, and then we kissed, and after few days we also went on our first date", While talking about Rose, Sarah's cheeks had turned red.

"So you are in a relationship then?",

" Yes kind of", she smiles.

"Hey, It's totally your decision when you want to tell your parents and Cole about it, and if you want to keep it secret, I will keep your secret, I promise I will never tell Cole about this", I tell her.

" Thank you, but I think I should tell them, they have the right to know that I am gay", she smiles softly.

"Yeah", I nod.

" But I am afraid they will be disappointed",

"What? No!  listen as far as I know your brother, he will never be disappointed with you, and if he got to know about it from someone else, it will be heartbreaking for him, and so do for your parents", I tell her.

" Yeah, you are right",

"Don't worry they will not get disappointed", I place my hand on hers.

" When I tell them, will you please be there with me?", she pleads.

"Of course", I assure her with a smile.


Cole's Pov

"I have to tell you something, to all of you", Sarah announces nervously. What is going on? Both Sarah and Luna look tense.

"Then go on, tell", I tell her.

" Okay", she sighs.

"Dad, Mom, Cole, I am gay", Oh my God! I look at Luna, there is no expression of surprise on her face. She knew about this, why I didn't know that my sister is gay?

"I don't know what to say", Mom tells her.

" What?", Luna looks at Mom in disbelief, so do Dad and me.

"I am sorry Mom", tears start to roll down from her cheeks.

" But I know what to say, it doesn't matter that you are gay, you are still my little girl, and I still love you, and I am proud of you for coming out in front of us", Dad tells her.

"Dad", Sarah runs to Dad and hugs him, and cries in his arms.

Author's Note
I hope you all liked today's chapter.
Stay tuned for the next chapter, till next Wednesday. And don't forget to vote and comment.
With Lots of Love XX

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