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Hermione Granger

"I slept with Theodore."

My heart sank to the floor. I don't even know why, it's not like we were officially together. And it's my fault, I started the fight. Pansy meant what she said. She thinks this is a mistake. She thinks we're not meant for each other. I stared blankly in front of me as Pansy explained and apologized, but none of the words she spoke landed. I felt nauseous and dizzy. Tears stung behind my eyes. "-mione... Hermione please listen to me.." I looked up to Pansy. There were tears in her eyes as well. "I swear I didn't mean to.. I wasn't thinking- please forgive me." Pansy begged. I inhaled shakily. "I- I have to go.." I mumbled as I started walking away. "Hermione wait!" I heard Pansy call behind me. I ignored her and fastened my pace. A few tears dropped to the ground. I don't know why I'm so upset over this.. stop lying to yourself, Hermione. You do know why. You're in love with her. You're in love with her and you don't want to lose her like this.

Another set of tears dropped to the ground. She doesn't want me. I guess I'll have to do this alone. I decided to head to the common room. I'll need my wand and perhaps Harry's invisibility cloak.

When I stepped through the portrait hole, I noticed Harry, Ron and Ginny sitting on the large sofa. They all looked at me awkwardly when I walked in. I returned the favor. "Hey." Harry said. "Hi." I muttered. We all stayed in silence for a while. "Hermione-" "nope." I interrupted him as I started walking to the stairs. "Come on, at least let me apologize." Harry scoffed when I was halfway up. I groaned and turned around. Harry had gotten up and stepped towards me. "Go on." I said coldly. Harry sighed. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help-" "help Ronald assault me?" I cut him off. "What?!" Ginny shouted as she jumped up from the sofa. "No, I just wanted the two of you to get back together again!" Harry defended. I rolled my eyes. "You thought that Ron assaulting me would help me realize that I still love him? Genius, Harry." I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms.

Ginny hurried towards us. I noticed that Ron was still sitting in the sofa, staring blankly at the floor. "What the hell happened?!" Ginny shouted. "What did you do?!" She turned to Harry who seemed to struggle finding words that would satisfy his ex girlfriend. He finally seemed to realize that what he did was wrong. "They just cornered me, Ginny. It's not a big deal." I attempted at calming the fuming girl in front of me. "You said Ron assaulted you. What. Did. He. Do." Ginny said as she turned to me again. I frowned. "Well they- Er- held me down and um..." I stumbled. "I kissed her, okay?" Ron said, finally joining in the conversation. Ginny opened her mouth to probably yell something, but Ron was faster. "I know, I know it was a mistake. A terrible one." He mumbled as he slowly got up and stumbled his way here. "And Hermione? I give up man. I'm not worth it."

"Ron- are you drunk?" I asked. Ron grinned. "Fuck yeahh." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I mumbled. "I have better things to do than talking to you people." I turned around and walked up the stairs. "Will you ever forgive us?" Harry asked from behind me. "Probably not."

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