17. A change of nature

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It was midnight. Ash was sleeping on couch while Ashley and serena were sleeping on bed in Pokemon center.
Ash was tired as he shared a big amout of aura.

(In Ash's dream)

He was standing near a big gate. As he opened the gate he saw all legendary Pokemon amd Arceus. He immediately realised where was he. He was in hall of origin.

"Welcome chosen one" Arceus said
"Hello Arceus... Long time no see" ash said in emotionless tone
"Oh...I see you are not changed... Well I have seen what you did" arceus said

"Arceus you need to give some privacy to my personal life" ash said to godly llama in emotionless tone
Arceus was irritated

"You think this is you personal matter? Whole world and humanity depends upon you. You have shared 50% of your aura and you chances of survival after final trial is ZERO" Arceus yelled

"My apologies.. look I know you love you mate and child more than anything.. but have you thought what will happen to them once you die? They will be all alone" Arceus explained.

Ash's eye was closed and arms crossed. He listened to all things Arceus said and smiled a little
Arceus and all legendary Pokemon were confused

"I know Arceus you want to protect me.. but I have accepted my fate. And about serena and Ashley.. they are not alone. Serena have Ashley and Ashley have serena. Also they have my aura... Don't worry about me or them. I am sure they will be fine. It might take some time but they will be fine."
Ash said in normal tone

Arceus sighed
"It's no use to argue with you"

Then ash wokeup

He saw time.. it was midnight.. he saw serena and Ashley sleeping along with mew eeve and Pikachu.
Ash quietly stoodup and went outside.

Once outside he sat near a tree resting his back on it. He then started to recalling all memories till now.

How he started his journey and met Pikachu and misty and Brock.
All his leagues and friends.
Especially kalos.. how he met serena again and travelled with her. And the first kiss at kalos airport serena gave him before splitting.
Then he remembered his mom.
A tear formed in his eyes.

He used his aura and made a flute.
He saw full moon and started to play flute

(Lugia's theme)

As he was playing tears rolled down his cheeks. He was thinking about serena and ashley.
Soon many Pokemon from forest came near ash and sat near him listening to his melody.

Lucario also heard music and came outside to see that ash was surrounded by all types of Pokemon. Some pokemons were sitting on his shoulders while some on his lap.
He was playing the flute.

Lucario could feel the pain and sadness ash was feeling with his aura.

Soon ash stopped playing flute and said goodbye to pokemons. His flute disappeared into dust of light.
He stood up and as he was entering Pokemon center he saw lucario standing there

Ash chuckled
"So you heard it too buddy?" Ash asked
Lucario nodded
Ash knew what lucario wanted to ask

"Don't worry lucario.. i am fine.. let's go get some rest"
Lucario nodded again

Then ash went to sleep with lucario but lucario knew ash was hiding something
(Lucario didn't knew about final trial and that Ash's life was at risk.. he just knew that ash shared 50% of his aura with serena and Ashley)

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