Chapter 11

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The math teacher's bloody curse made Lin Mengmeng stunned, and several other classmates who copied her homework were also stunned. There was a thin-skinned girl with tears rolling in her eyes.

The reason why Lin Mengmeng was able to be borrowed from the workbook was because she had a very high rate of correct answers recently, almost 100% correct, but who would have thought that she would have played a big vote once she played?

"You guys stand up, who copied whose homework, tell me honestly!" the math teacher yelled.

The chicken classmates in elementary school didn't have any love from their classmates. They all looked at Lin Mengmeng. Lin Mengmeng was exposed to the drool of the math teacher.

"Lin Mengmeng? I remember that you did your homework with a high accuracy rate. Did you do it yourself?"

"I remember you, you often sleep in my class, so what can you learn?"

"Okay ." , I don't wrong you when you come up with real knowledge through practice. If you do it, I won't investigate anything. If you don't do it, you call your parents!"

"And also You, you, you, you You, you all call your parent!" The

math teacher waved his ruthlessly big hand, and none of the elementary school chickens who had studied and copied their homework by themselves this morning could not escape his clutches.

Lin Mengmeng bite the bullet and walked to the podium under the stern gaze of the math teacher. She could understand the questions and ask questions on the blackboard, but she couldn't do anything about it...

In short, this time she was ashamed. .

In the condemned gaze of the primary school chicken classmates, Lin Mengmeng couldn't contain herself. Not only did she scold [Qianfan over exhausted] in her heart, she also wished to give her a few headshots.

"Host, I just said let you study hard by yourself, hey, look, now you are being retributed!" System 38740 gloats, "Actually, if you do your homework so opportunistically, the exam ranking will not look good, it's not true. . "

" ...... "Lin Mengmeng smiling face," that your system number so fans, is not it also because the performance is not good? "

System 38740: "..."

System 38740: "!!!"

Dear , you know too much!

Lin Mengmeng was very tired from the two math classes on this day.

She didn't think she was in class, but she was in class...Well, this statement is too unhealthy and a bit of color, but when she got home, she really felt like she was run over by a big truck, and she was exhausted physically and mentally.

Because she was irrational in copying homework for her classmates today, the math teacher thoughtfully gave her an extra test paper and ordered her to do it herself.

Although Lin Mengmeng was unable to control the math teacher when he was doing homework, he asked Lin Mengmeng to explain the right questions on the test paper in front of the class tomorrow. If he made a mistake, copy the wrong question a hundred times.

Lin Mengmeng greeted once again in her heart [Qianfan is over].

How can there be such a shameless person in the world who takes advantage and does not do human affairs, it is too bad!

In the evening, after eating listlessly, Lin Mengmeng walked back to the room with a heavy footstep, and got down as soon as he sat down at the desk.

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