Chapter 2

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My feet padded the hard ground as fast as I could, warm breath coming from my lungs. Piper hung loosely from my arms, she was quite heavy. How could they do this. Do they know what pain feels like? Especially that Harry guy, who does he think he is? I was beyond words, all these emotions swirling inside me. Hot liquid splashed onto my cheek, leaving a trail as it fell onto Pipers still body. I couldn't see where I was going, as long as it wasn't anywhere near that wretched factory. I ran in the direction I thought my flat was. My legs ached, I wasn't used to carrying an extra body. I stumbled up to the door, running as I avoided strange glances from strangers. I fumbled with the keys to my flat, finally opening the door. My shoes skidding on the floor as I lied Piper down gently on the couch. She looked lifeless, but I could see her eyes changing. Would she remember me once she has changed? Would she try to hurt me? Small white fangs poked out from under her upper lip, her eyelids flashing open. They were red.

Pipers POV '''''''''

I was stuck in nothing but blackness, pain coursing through my body. Memories ran through my mind of the attack, replaying over an over. I couldn't think of anything else. What will happen to me once I wake up, will I hurt anyone? What if I hurt someone that I care about? I couldn't let that happen. I will never hurt anyone actually, if I need to survive off of blood then I'll use blood bags from a hospital or something like that, I won't be a killer. I could feel someone carrying me, most likely Chloe. I tried to respond but I couldn't get my body to do anything. It's like I was trapped in someone else's body. I soon felt myself being laid down onto the soft couch. Chloe's warm tears were soaking through my shirt as she begged me to wake up. I tried as hard as I could to squeeze her hand back, and I heard her gasp. Must've worked. My eyes opened and I saw Chloe taking a step back in shock. I knew it was my eyes, who wouldn't be freaked out by them? They were red, not their usual golden color. "Chloe, don't worry I won't hurt you" I said calmly to her.

"Oh thank god! I thought you wouldn't know who I am!"

"How could I not know who my best friend is?!'

"I don't know, transformation changes people" she said nodding towards my fangs.

"Not mentally!"

She just shrugs.

"So who were those vampires?" I asked her.

"I've never seen them before" she replied "they were very strong though, considering we couldn't take them"

"Are they young vampires?"

I asked.

"Maybe, I don't know for sure though"

"They seem dangerous, what if they try and hurt us again?"

"I just hope they don't, but do you wanna get some Starbucks? Or we could get blood for you" she said looking at the ground. I knew it was hard on her, I mean her best friend just got changed into a vampire.

"Sure, but I'm not gonna eat innocent people! Lets just go to the hospital and get blood from the blood donation things"

"Ok" she sighed as we grabbed our stuff and walked out the door.

Chloe's pov'''''''''''''''

"Do you want to just split up so we can save time?" I asked Piper.

"Sure, lets meet back at the flat in one hour"

I nodded my head in agreement as I started walking towards Starbucks. It was relatively close to our flat, so we just walked there. We are there quite a lot, so usually the people their know us. I rounded the corner and walked into Starbucks. "Hey Chloe!" The waitress smiled at me. Her name was Jasmine, and she was around the same age as Piper and I. I strode over to the counter and smiled back before ordering. "Can I have a caramel frappachino with extra caramel please?"

"Yep, coming right up!" I handed her the money and waited for my drink. I was looking out the window, enjoying the sunny afternoon when I saw a flash of curls, but it went away as quick as it came. Hmm what was that? I got pulled out of my thought by Jasmine giving me my drink. I thanked her before walking outside. I walked half way to my house texting Piper. Suddenly I got dragged into an alley, then got slammed against the wall. What the heck? I looked up at the mystery person, and gasped at who I saw. I knew it was him by the curls and his emerald eyes. "What do you want Harry?!"

"Well I wasn't finished with you" he retorted.

"Why, do you want to kill me?"

"Nah" he smirked at me, leaning in to my lips.

"Harry, stop!"

"You won't be saying that for long" he growled in my ear.



K sorry if this was short, don't hate me

Thanks for all the reads! Almost 100 and only for one chapter! Whale thanks guys

Don't staph loving one direction, cuz they're sexy beasts k bye

-Kerrigan aka Kerr

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