Chapter 21: To The Sand Dunes

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Now back to the group in Lugunica...

In the morning, Tanya goes inside Emma's house, finding Echidna being surrounded by Emma and Minerva.

Emma: "C'mon! Give it a try! You need to workout every morning!"

Echidna: "No thank you. I rather researching stuff..."

Minerva: "What? I won't let you! How many times have you put people in danger, huh!?"

Echidna: "You are literally more dangerous to people than me!"

Emma grabs Echidna's shoulder and throws her to the floor.

Emma: "You know what? I'll just make you to do ONE push-up! Just once!"

Echidna: "And what benefit will I get-"

Emma: "You'll get strength! Logic!"

Echidna: "... Fine!"

Echidna tries to do one push-up, but she can't so she collapses to the floor.

Emma: "What!? You can't even do ONE PUSH-UP!?"

Minerva: "She's always like this. There's one time when she was in Emilia's trial and she can't even catch up to Emilia. So weak."

Echidna: "Hey! I am not THAT weak!"

Emma: "Haha! Never thought the Witch of Greed is this weak. Ha!"

Tanya is at the entrance, watching them. It reminds her of soldiers she trained. They were totally wimps that time.

Tanya: "Hey Emma-san."

Emma: "Yes?"

Tanya: "What is the melting body that I found in the basement?" (It's Devo's melting body🗿)

Emma is confused.

Emma: "I don't know what you're talking about. What body?"

Tanya: *Sigh* "Well... The body has turned into ash anyways. So... Where are the others?"

Jotaro and Kakyoin go down the stairs.

Emma: "Good morning, Jotaro and Kakyoin!"

Kakyoin: "Good morning, Emma-san."

Jotaro didn't respond to Emma's morning greeting. Instead he wonders where is Joseph and Avdol are.

Jotaro: "Now, where is that old man?"

Emma: "Old man? You mean Joseph? He is taking a bath. Don't you dare peek!"

Jotaro: "You're annoying as always. Of course I'm not gonna peek."

Emma looks at the time. (Which is a stone that changes colors as time passed. I forgot what it was called, sorry.)

Emma: "Oh my... It's time for me to  go to my restaurant! See ya!"

Emma brings anything she needs, then runs to her restaurant. Faster than their eyes can observe. And then, she's gone from her house.

Joseph comes out from the room. He wore the same outfit as before.

Jotaro: "Hey old man. Where are we going next?"

Joseph: "To the North. Which leads to a desert."

Echidna: "Hold on a second!"

Echidna stands up.

Echidna: "What do you mean by leading into a desert? Please don't tell me that Lugunica is rotated."

Joseph: "... I don't know what you mean. Could you explain?"

Echidna: "Usually, the Augria Sand Dunes is at the East of Lugunica. But when you said that it was North, I am a little bit confused, even though it was easy to understand."

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