Chapter 5: Rules For Monsters

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Back on Earth, there was a rule I followed, and that was to never blindly follow anyone's words who I knew was a complete idiot. Here, in this moment before the group we gathered, we were the fools and the people naïve for listening blindly. Rimuru would propose rules, simple ones that would keep things peaceful, or so he said to me while we were waiting for everyone to gather and settle down. Not telling me exactly what they were. The people were all very excited to see that both of us were fine after naming all of them and eager to hear what we wanted to tell them all.

Rimuru began speaking, "Everyone's here? Then let's get straight to the rules we'll be announcing. For now, there will be three that I want you all to follow. One, do not attack humans. Two, do not fight each other. Three, do not look down on other races. That is all."

Through [Thought Communication] I spoke to Rimuru, Are you sure that's a wise idea? The last one I can stand behind, but the other two...

We can't have them thinking it's okay to pick fights. Besides, I want to see how they'll respond. We can't leave them if they can't think for themselves, Or so he responded before Rigur raised his hand.

"Is it alright to ask, why can't we attack Humans?" Rigur's question earned a glare from his father, Rigurd.

"Simple. We like Humans," Rimuru answered.

Rigur smiled and accepted the answer easily, "Understood!"

That wasn't even a good reason and they accepted it. I'm going to make an exception to the rule, alright? I mentally asked Rimuru, not wanting to show the others that we were not on the same page.

Alright, I did decide on the rules without you so it's only fair, With Rimuru's approval I cleared my throat.

"However, there will be an exception to the first two rules. In the event neither myself nor Rimuru are around to resolve the issue, you are allowed to defend yourselves but only as needed."

"It's the same as what Humans would do," Rimuru added to his reasoning, "They live in groups like us, and when one of them is attacked more return in force, and that will make surviving difficult for everyone. So it'd be better for us to all get along. Any other questions?"

He asked, but the only one showing a willingness to give questions is Rigur, "Then the last rule, what does it mean?"

"Looking down on other races?" I asked, to which he nodded, "Let's say an Ogre and a Goblin from different villages came to visit. You shouldn't belittle and bully the Goblin for being weaker than you. And you shouldn't challenge the Ogre simply because you've evolved and became stronger. No matter who they are, you treat them as you would any... friend." I lifted my head as it lowered on the word and returned to explaining it, "I've treated you all the same way I treated the Ogres. Treat people the same way you want people to treat you."

"Exactly that!" Rimuru jumped up so I caught him in the air, "Always aim to get along and avoid needless fights. Do your best to follow these rules!"

The next matter to be decided was labor, I addressed the wolves, "With the rules settled, we'll now talk about the work that is needed. The Tempest and Twilight Wolves will alternate day and night shifts and continue on with lookout duty. If something happens contact us through [Thought Communication]."

"Understood master!" Erebus said, still calling me that. And Ranga used lord, guess I'll have to get used to it.

Rimuru commented, "We'll leave the assignment of who goes to what group to Rigurd, but aside from lookout duty, we need gatherers for food, raw resources, and people working on the construction. Can you handle that?"

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