Chapter 2

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(y/n) POV

Mama went out on her date. Usually Mis. Wilson would watch me, but tonight was bingo night so Mama asked her boss if she could watch me. Miss Sam was really nice and pretty. "So you're the infamous (y/n) I've heard so much about." Miss Sam said, "Your mommy is one lucky woman to have a baby like you." She said sweetly, suddenly her phone buzzed, "It's work. Something came up." She said, "Tell you what, why don't you come with me. I'll give you whatever you want as a treat. You name it, it's yours." She said as she picked me up.


"Hungry." (y/n) said, "I know, but my assistant should be on his way back soon." I said sweetly as I bounced him on my knee, suddenly he began pawing at my chest, "Sweetheart, is that what you wanted? I'll have to ask your mother if it's alright. Ok sweetie?" I said he nodded, I called Kimberly and she said it was fine if I was comfortable with it. "Your mommy said it was ok sweetie. Time to see what this breastfeeding thing is all about." I said as I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled my tit out. I felt him latch onto my nipple, I felt his little teeth against my skin. His breaths ticked, I felt nice. "Uh ma'am?" My assistant said, "Oh don't act so surprised, Jeffery. This isn't the worst thing you've walked in on me doing." I said, "And what are you doing exactly?" He asked, "Experimenting. Who knows I might just end up liking it." I said.

I decided to let (y/n) breastfeed as much as he wanted since he seemed to like it. I decided to look into adoption, "Maybe a little girl?" I said as I scrolled through websites. "Hey what's up? Why'd you stop?" I asked, "Want Mama." (y/n) said sadly, "She should be here soon sweetie." I said as I buttoned up my shirt.

(y/n) POV

It was almost eleven when Mama came to pick me up, she wore her pretty blue backless dress, "I am so so sorry honey. My date took longer than I thought, but um, she wants to meet you. So we're going to her house so that you can meet." Mama said as she picked me up.

Kimberly POV

"Ok honey, now you're going to see mommy act differently than I do at home. I want miss Blair to really like me so she buys mommy lots of things and then I can afford to buy you lots of nice things." I said as he hid his face in my neck. I knocked on the door and when it opened we were led to a living room. "So this is him. My competition." Blair said as she sat on the sofa.

"Not much of a competition

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"Not much of a competition." I said as I sat (y/n) down and sat next to her, "Just look at you." I said as I ran my hand over hers. "Kim, darling. Drop the act. I don't like fakes." She whispered, "Am I really that obvious? I must be off my game since my son's here." I said, "So this is the real you. I like what I see." She said, "Now for you." She said as she stood up and picked up (y/n), she looked deep into my son's eyes. I was beginning to get nervous, suddenly Blair started making faces at (y/n) making him laugh, "You're simply adorable." Blair said sweetly, "Why don't you go explore the house, but don't go outside alright dear." She said sweetly, (y/n) ran off to go explore. "I'm surprised." I said, "By what?" She asked, "You." I said, "And the same goes for me. I thought you were just some shallow one dimensional woman who's only after my money. Now I'm glad to see that I was wrong." She said, "So that brings me to my next point. You are not getting another cent out of me. (y/n) on the other hand, I will buy him whatever he wants." She said, "So that's what you think of me. I'm nothing but a gold digger. Using you for my own selfish reasons. Well fuck that, I do this for my baby. Mommy's a gold digger cause she doesn't have any real skills. All she's good for is looking pretty and smiling for the fucking camera. Go ahead and think that. But I'm not doing this for the same reason I was three years ago. Im done with the parties, drugs, expensive booze and champagne, all the dresses and clubs! None of that matters to me, as long as my baby is happy and I can provide for him that's all I need. Most of what people buy me I sell and use the money for my son." I said, "So go ahead kick us out, we don't need your money." I said, "That's what I wanted to hear. I would kick you out in a heartbeat if you did this for yourself. Hearing that sets me at ease. I like you Kim and I love little (y/n). I'd love to start a relationship with you, not the gold digger, the mother." She said, "What?" I said, "MAMA!" (y/n) shouted happily as he ran to me and tried to tell me all about what he saw. It was all gibberish but it made him happy. "Do you like it here, darling?" Blair asked, "Yeah." (y/n) said, "Well maybe if you're a good boy, miss Blair will let you come back." I said sweetly, "Would you look at the time! It's way past your bedtime little boy." I said, "I must insist that you stay the night." Blair said, "But we don't have a change of clothes." I said, "We'll figure something out dear." She said, "Alright, where are we going to sleep?" I asked, "You can have the guest room or you can share my bed." She said, suddenly I heard (y/n)'s soft snores, "Were you serious? About us I mean." I asked, "Yes. I like you and your son. So I'll say it again I want to start a relationship with you." She said sweetly, "Well maybe my baby will have two mommies." I said as I carried (y/n) upstairs to the guest bedroom. Blair gave me a nightgown to wear.

The next morning Blair made breakfast and we ate outside in the backyard. (y/n) ate and then ran around and played. "Seems the lad has an abundance of energy so early in the morning." Blair said as she took a sip of her coffee, "I didn't know you were British." I said, "That I am. I was born here in America, but moved to London Town soon after. I just moved back to the states a few months ago. I've been trying to hide my accent." She said, "Don't, I think it's pretty." I said making her smile and chuckle, "What?" I said, "It's almost comical. The two of us." She said, "What, the rich Brit and the gold digger?" I said, "That's not what I meant. I was speaking more of the gap in our age. You're a beautiful young woman in the prime of her life, and I am considerably not." She said softly, "What are you talking about?" I asked, "Kimberly, darling, you're twenty-two, and I am nearly ten years older than you." She said, "So? I've been with someone three times my age. Then again I was nineteen at the time, he was almost fifty-seven. God I was a shallow bitch back then, but one good thing came out of that relationship." I said as I looked at (y/n), "Is he yours? Did you give birth to him I mean." She asked, "If I'm being honest, no. His father abandoned him and well I just couldn't bring myself to abandon him twice. I know, dumb reason to become a mom." I said, "No I think it's sweet. Becoming a mum so he wouldn't be alone." She said as her hand moved atop mine, "Mama." (y/n) said, "What is it honey?" I asked as he walked over to us, "Hungry." He said softly, "You just ate darling, how could you possibly be hungry?" Blair said, "That's not what he's talking about. Sweetheart, mama doesn't have her medicine so you can't have any." I said, "What on Earth are you going on about?" Blair asked, "Well it's a bit embarrassing, but I still breastfeed him. I have these special pills that make me lactate." I said, "Then go, get your pills. I'll watch sweet little (y/n)." She said, "Alright, and I'll get us a change of clothes." I said.

Blair POV

"Well darling, looks like you're stuck with me." I said sweetly as I pulled (y/n) up onto my lap, "Tell me darling, do you love your mum?" I asked, "Yeah!" (y/n) said happily, "That's very good. Never ever say that you don't love her." I said, "You know darling, your mother and I are dating. I hope you aren't jealous. I know it's hard to share, especially at your age, and when it comes to your mum." I said softly. "I'm back." Kim said.

Kimberly POV

"Ok baby let's go back to the room so we don't disturb Blair." I said, "No don't worry about me love. If I'm being honest I'm a tad bit curious about you and how you interact with your child." Blair said as she pulled me over to the couch with (y/n), "We're moving a bit fast don't you think?" I said, "I like fast." She said as she sat next to us. "I hate you." I said as I lifted my shirt and let (y/n) latch onto my nipple. I felt the familiar sensation of my baby's teeth against my flesh, his soft breath on my breast, his gently sucking as not to hurt me. I've grown to fall more and more in love with these sensations. I don't know how to live without them. "I'm jealous. You have something I've wanted for all my life. Someone who needs you entirely." Blair said, "You'll have this someday. I know it." I said, "Who knows, maybe little (y/n) will have two mummies some day. Would you like that darling? Having two mummies?" She said sweetly as she gently petted (y/n).

A Golden Opportunity (abandoned male child reader X adoptive gold digger mother)Where stories live. Discover now