Chapter Fourty-Two

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Kiki's POV:

It felt so good speaking my mind. I was happy and I have my husband by my side. Despite his mistake, I'm still deeply in love with him. He never gave up on me so I'm not giving up on him. It's my dream to be his woman and love and I'm never ever giving up on it. Ever. Thank God for the man of my dreams.

Randy: " Sis, I am so proud of you. You represented well and you didn't allow anything or anyone to break who you are. That takes courage and strength."

Kiki: " Thanks, Randy. I love our family and I will defend it at all cost. I don't give a damn about what happened . I'm still in love with the man I married and that's true commitment. Yesterday after I learned everything. I thought about our wedding day and our vows and one thing my mother and grandma taught me was to never give up on a beautiful thing. I look at our babies, and I fall in love with what we all built."

I leaned my head on my love's shoulders and he kissed my forehead. We all went out to eat as tradition before going home. When we got home, Jermaine helped me get undressed and I helped him. We went into the bathroom and he helped me get my make up off and take off my heels since they were strap on. He turned on the water in the shower and we got in together. We made love twice in there after that we made out and then we cleaned each other off.

Jermaine: " I love you so much, my Queen."

I kissed him softly and smirked at him.

Kiki: " I love you more, my King."

He dried me off and I dried him off and I was greeted by the other part of him and I bit my lip and then I dragged my robe on my shoulders and peeked over my shoulder as I walked into the glass patio part of our room. He followed me in there with a huge smile. I wanted to make love under the stars again. This time I didn't give a damn who was watching. I wanted the world to know he's mine and I'm not ashamed of it.

Jermaine: " You sure you want to do it in here tonight baby?"

I whispered in his ear.

Kiki: " I'm sure baby. Make love to me."

He smiled at me in response and he picked me up by my behind and entered me. He pinned me to the glass wall and we saw flashes. It's a good thing that the glass was fogged up some and it covered the important parts of our bodies. As the cameras flashed, we kept going.

Jermaine: " Give me a second baby."

We stopped what we were doing and he put me down. He put his shorts on and put my robe on.

Jermaine: " They want a show. Let's give them one."

Kiki: " Now Baby." I said smirking. " Couldn't we get arrested for indecency?"

Jermaine: " This is our house, our yard and personal space. We can't be arrested for making love here. Do you trust me baby?"

I nodded and he put me on the table on the patio and thrusted back inside me. I moaned loud and the cameras kept flashing. We made love repeatedly until the cameras were gone and we did it nude and we made all the noises we wanted to. Jermaine and I threw our stuff into our house and he carried me back into our private quarters and we shut and locked all doors by pressing the button.

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