What the hell

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Dixies POV:

I was currently in my closet trying to pick out the perfect outfit for tonight's dinner. There was multiple things that could go wrong and multiple things that could go right.

1. My parents could get mad that Noah was officially my boyfriend.

I had told both my parents all the things that had happened and they said they supported me but did they really.

2. I was still on constant eggshells with my mom

Seriously I was getting tired what the hell is wrong with her, and the last question

3. What was going to happen tonight.

Noah texted me and said that him and the girls were almost done getting ready and they would be here soon.

I decided on a red simple dress with white dots.

I put my hai in a ponytail and I didn't wear any makeup besides mascara and lip gloss.

I cleaned my room a little and then went downstairs to my mom and char setting the table and my dad cleaning around the house.

So I decided to help me dad clean a little bit. Our house was far from messy or dirty a lot of people would say it's idly clean but my mom and her new ways was being a little sloppy.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it. Noah kissed my forehead and said hi. I smiled and said hi to him and then Tatum and adds.

I let them in and they soon found conversation between everyone. So far so good

Conversation: Check

My mom called us all in to the dinning room and we all took a seat.

I sat it the middle of my dad and Noah. And my mom sat across from me.

We began talking some of us Having separate conversations that lead into the group conversation and we were on school.

"I think that break has been very interesting but I think we are all ready to go back" I said

The break had been a special I broke yo with Noah got with Noah it was a lot.

We would be going back the next week and I was excited. The year had gone by so fast and I felt that it was still going really fast.

"Well dixie I think that I like you and char here" my mom said like it was a question. Like she asked us to stay home than go to school.

"Well I like spending time with you but I miss school it's getting boring here" I said

I saw anger form on my moms face.

"what's wrong mom" charli asked. We both saw her anger and I'm pretty sure everyone did.

"Nothing" she yelled back

"Mom what is going on. You have been acting so weird and now your yelling at us for being worried" charli yelled back.

"You want to know what's wrong I don't like when y'all are gone I feel like y'all are growing up so fast and soon dixie will be gone for college and.. a-a-nd" she was yelling and crying and this is the moment I was talking about where we could no longer walk on eggshells.

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