Chapter 27: We're All Connected

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A night that was destined for ruin. From billowing winds that fed flames of electric hellish blue, smog that clasped the tightest hold upon your lungs to the ice that lurched from streets of asphalt and screeched as they rose to the heavens. It was no wonder how the innocents fled the scene of murder, tears to prickle their eyes and lungs that screached bloody murder, for a great number of teenagers fought for freedom against one lone villain. A villain with the deepest of violet hair and an evil smirk hidden behind a facet of bland disappointment sheen. The heroes emerged victorious but at a price. It came as a miracle for the villain in question who ran away with her tail tucked between her legs.

Still... Despite being a coward. The woman claimed a life for a man no longer remained within the realm of the living.

All to save one lone girl and even now they wonder if she'll make the night.

After having finished some business of his own, Hideyoshi Shinsou had finally reared his head within the UA grounds. A sheen of sweat hugged the young male's pale skin. They say sweat is good on days of great activity but today wasn't one of those days. For someone with an overpowered ice manipulation quirk, the fires that roared tonight were a little too warm for his taste. Oh how ash and soot stained his right cheek and clothes having shown signs of being aflame but quite soon put out. Hide had entered his class dormitory and much to his surprise, he had found that everyone from the rescue team had been gathered within the main area of the class dormitory and then some. The others being All Might, appearing as though he were a deer in headlights, and Mr. Aizawa of whom sported black rings beneath his bloodshot eyes. They both were rudely awakened from slumber for they remained in their sleep-wear as well as a drowsy Eri of whom yawned and approached the violet haired boy on shuffled feet.

"Eri?" Hide knelt down to the silver haired girl's level. He's found that with children, it's better to get down on their level even if it may come with discomfort. The kids appreciate the gesture at the very least. Eri held out her arms, as if expecting a hug, but instead the bionic boy held her hands and ran his thumbs across them with care. "It's well past midnight... You should be asleep." The boy tried to be as comforting as possible around her. She is one of the few people out there who've managed to melt his heart. A rare feat indeed.

"I was-" Eri let out a jaw breaking yawn. It transferred over to Hide within the second, like a contagious disease. "Sleeping in bed with Uncle Aizawa until someone woke us up."

"Sorry about that."

"Midoriya's worried about you," Eri announced all groggily, only for her drowsiness to flee upon witnessing how large Hide's eyes became upon her choice of words.

Hide swallowed the lump in his throat, regaining his composure. "I-I'm sure he is..." He muttered. I really shouldn't have taken my sweet time getting back to the dorms. I felt that getting citizens away from the fight was more important. I know he'll understand that but I'm sure he's been freaking out thinking I got kidnapped or better yet killed. "Thank you Eri," he ruffled her already bed tousled hair and stepped on over to the couches of which everyone gathered. It was confusing, how everyone was present but barely any words were spoken, and why was (Y/n) on the floor? Why's Kirishima holding her? Wait... Air had gotten stuck within his throat once more. Her arms... They're black an-and purple? Hide peered down upon his left mechanical hand. He could remember back when he had arms, his hands were always some weird mixture of white, purple, blues and blacks. Frostbite at it's finest. (Y/n)'s condition... It's eerily similar to how Hide was before he had to kiss three of his limbs goodbye years back. She overdid it... (Y/n) overdid it.

"What happened?" Hide could barely speak. Tears were prickling the corners of his eyes. This lifestyle is already hard enough on himself, he'd hate to see his sister undergo the same. She'd never be the same.

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