Chapter 17: This is Our Destiny (Rewrite)

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"Ohohohoho!" The laughter of the Phoenex's younger daughter resounded through the entire hall. "My Onii-chan have finally submitted the rebellious Gremory~"

She was basically going around rubbing that fact on the face of every guest in the party, as if the news hadn't traveled all over the underworld already. There wasn't a single devil, thay was unaware of the imminent marriage between the Phenex heir and the Gremory heiress.

"There she goes, bragging about their victory..." Koneko uttered out with a hint of hate.

Akeno, Asia, Kiba, and Koneko could just bite their tongues and keep their fake smiles in front of all the other guests. Even if the younger daughter was boasting their victory, the older brother; Riser. Was for once in their eyes, felt normal, as once he step out of the changing room. He was more dignify than normal, never boasting his victory agaisnt Rias, nor once did he even make Rias look like his trophy, which was weird.

Even though, there was a little boasting about his victory to the other guest, the heir keep it to a mere minimum. Not overly flaunting like his younger sister, for now, Riser was having a talk with some of the guest of the wedding. Even if they can't hear, what he say, they are damn sure. That was he was flaunting about his win agaisnt Rias, and they couldn't accept such a thing, them! The one who manage to win the fight agaisnt a Fallen Angel.

Kokabiel, back in Kuoh, but back then, the one who truly take down the Fallen Angel, was another person, the third party of the day. It was one of the three agents, that the church have sent to retrive the Excalibur Pieces. But they did their fair job, especially Issei, the boy that manage to unlock his Balance Breaker, and awaken the true aspect of the Red Dragon Emperor.

He was the most disapointed member of the bunch, upon seeing how he act, he slumb in regret and anger, his reckless act cause them the freedom of their King. If he wasn't impatent back then, then... Maybe they can win, but who know? It is fate, that decide their end. Because of such incident, Issei had never show his face to them after the Rating Game, and they haven't even saw where he goes to begin with.

"Hohoho! You heard that! My onii-chan, manage to beat, the Peerage that take down the rouge Fallen Angel; Kokabiel! What a suprise!" Ravel the youngest daughter of the Phoenix family, keep on flaunting and provoking the group.

"I think, that's more than enough, young miss," Yubelunna said.

"Come now! This is a victory worth celebrating, you are his Queen, you know this more than anyone," Ravel said.

"I know, but young miss, master Riser. Have informed me, to please keep down the flaunting of yours young miss," Yubelunna said as a grin slowly formed in her mouth, as Ravel was about to question her words. "Because, if the group heard your flaunting, then they will be reminded, upon the failure that they have produce for their King,"

"Oh my~" Ravel was quite amazed at Yubelunna insult, and she decide to join the fun. "I know what you mean, a Knight that can be easily distracted by a mere duel,"

Such words hit Kiba in the heart.

"A Bishop that didn't even try, to struggle or warn them, about our trap,"

Another painful remark hit Asia.

"A Rook that lost the focus on the main goal, and decide to rampage through the battle mindlessly,"

A tick mark appear on Koneko head.

"And most of all, the Queen who fail to see through the trick of Onii-san, the Queen of the new generation! What a joke it was!"

Akeno clench her fist in anger.

"Though, where is that Pawn of theirs?" Ravel asked.

"Well, for now, he have disappear, probally planning to rescue his King," Yubelunna said.

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