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Somehow Felix took Jisung down near the gate and there was a black car waiting for them. Felix opened the door of the passengers seat and put Jisung inside and he too got in and sat besides Jisung.

The drive was quiet until Felix asked "Jisung should i take you to my place or will you go back home."

"I'll be fine at my place."said Jisung with a weak smile.

"Maybe I can come with you and help you clean your wounds and put on new bandages." said Felix who was really worried.

"Ah that would be nice lix . And can we watch a movie later?" said Jisung with an excited voice despite of the pain


When they reached Jisung's place , Felix opened the door of the car for Jisung so he could get down.

"Ji, can you stand here for a minute so I can go and thank Minho hyung?"

"Of course I can." said Jisung leaning against the car for a little support.

Felix walked towards the drivers seat to thank Minho. As soon as he was Minho's face he was in shocked.


Minho hyung's face had several scratches, dry blood on the corner of his lips, blood dripping from the cut on his left cheek near the eyes and a cut above his right eyebrow. It looked very painful. My eyes travelled down to his hands that were on the steering wheel and his knuckles were bruised and I could see dried blood there too.

"Hyung you don't seem to be in a good condition. Did you get in a fight with someone? We need to clean you bruises.Who did you fight with? Does it hur-" I was cut off by Minho hyung.

"Felix it not the time, you are making Jisung wait." said Minho hyung and pulled up the window.

"I will call you at night to ask you everything and you dare lie to me!" was all i could say and he drove off.

I just saw Jisung almost fall because he was leaning against the car. I immediately caught him and we walked to the door. He handed me the keys and I opened the door. As soon as we walked in, his house was smelling like vanilla. His house seemed pretty big and also neat. I wasn't expecting him to keep the house this neat by himself.

That is when i heard Jisung say " Felix lets go up to my room."

We went into his room and it was mostly filled with musical instruments and equipments for music production. Maybe even he produces music like Changbin Hyung and Channie Hyung.

I was finally out of my thoughts when I heard Jisung open the door of his bathroom.

He first went in and pulled out the first aid kit from the cabinet and placed it on the counter. Thats when I walked in and helped him first take off the bandages and apply some healing ointments. For his convenience I stuck band aids and then threw away the old bandage.



Later Jisung had convinced Felix to stay with him and given him his favourite hoodie to wear. They had also called Hyunjin and he said he would come with Seungmin. That made Felix and Jisung chuckle. These two liked each other but no one had the guts to confess first.

To be continued....


Love love~
This is short:(

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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