The death

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When someone is killed everybody they're scared or mad or the one who did it. Everyone has a bad point in their life that they choose to forget choose to not talk about. This bad time in my life is with my boyfriend of six years left me for a girl. A girl a little older than us with light brown hair her name was Enid. the worst thing was he didn't bother to break up with me before he started dating her I'd rather break me into many little pieces instead of in half. His dad actually felt bad for me and invited me over for dinner.....dinner Ha we're in a zombie apocalypse and I get invited over for DINNER! why her though? I thought he loved me and he said he did? Here comes the scared, mad, or did it thing I talked about. When Enid disappeared it was normal. After the second day of her being gone people got a little antsy. After the fifth day of her being gone everyone went to look for well...not me I was looking after Judith because no one else wanted to I mean I would totally want to look for the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with. When they didn't find her the first day they went out the next day and the next till Carl of all people found her she was dangling from a treehouse that my boyfriend and I built together. but i guess that's their place now or was there place. Everyone was sad and stuff and it was wasn't ruled as a murder since she was caught in the tree upside down so all the blood rush to her head and she died and became a zombie. So no more Enid and my boyfriend was sad. oh well now he feels what I feel. Now it's time to tell you where I fit into her death well ......

I killed her

Yep me I killed her I waited for her to go over the gate by herself then I followed her and when she stopped at the treehouse I wrapped her foot up in the tree and pushed her off the ladder it worked and now she's dead and I killed her. Now it's time for the boyfriend

Carl Grimes

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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