The Alpha, The Beta, and The Stealers

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Hey everyone here is chapter 15 of this story I really hope you enjoy. Thank you Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Carlos, Liv and Maddie. And also for letting me use some of her dialogue. I really hope I wrote them well. Anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment love y'all 💖

Did not proofread

"We're running out of baby supplies," a Yorkie barks out to a Cockapoo mix as she looked to the four year old and two  one year old.  "Alright Brook, I guess Carlos and you two should go back out and steal some more." The Cockapoo named Iris says. "I guess you're right do you got the one year olds"  Brook asked as he was the self proclaimed beta of this small unusual pack.

This pack was made when Brook and her sister accidentally bumped into Iris, who lived here in the resort. At first none of the dogs got along, but agreed to be civil since Brook and Rascal proved themselves as good stealers. And their grudges were soon forgotten. Their life was semi normal then. They had plenty of food, a shelter and nice place to sleep, but things changed again when they met Carlos, Liv, and Maddie.

One day, after Brook and Rascal had stolen some food to eat from the cafeteria.  They had went to the laundry room to grab their little pouch; that they had for storing extra food.  They noticed three little kids, on that day they didn't think much of it. They knew from their past owner that kids ran around a lot, and their parents would probably be around to get them soon. So they went down the pretty big vent in the laundry room making their way down to the secret place. Well later that day when the twins and Iris were just resting on the chairs they saw the broken door blow open and the same three kids walk  and crawl in, by mistake.

The dogs had figured out that their mother was mean , and that the three had escaped, but lost one of the triplets on the way. Ever since the two Yorkies and the Cockapoo had been taking care of them, and looking for the lost sibling. Since underdogs needed to stay together, but it made their life a lot harder. Now not only did they have to steal food. They had to steal baby supplies too; which was super hard. Thankfully Carlos was an amazing distraction since he was so cute.

"Yeah I got them." Iris reassured as Brook nods, "Alright then Rascal, Carlos we have to go to the  baby store!" Brook called out, as she heard her twin sister bark happily, "Yes stealing time!" Rascal barks, as that was one of the things she loved to do. Brook rolled her eyes, "Rasc we should not be encouraging this we only do it because we have to!" Brook barks as Rascal rolls her eyes, "Whatever you say."  Rascal says as Carlos looks at the two dogs. "Come on, let's take my car!" Carlos says excitedly as he pointed to the red toy electronic car.

"Sweet, I call shotgun!" Rascal barks out as she jumped on the front seat next to Carlos making Brook roll her eyes, as she got in the back. "I get shotgun on the way back!" Brook says as Rascal rolls her eyes, "Sure whatever." Rascal bark as Carlos started driving the car out of the little room. "Carlos remember use the secrets roads we'll get in trouble if anyone sees us." Brook warned, "I know Bwook I know." Carlos groans out as he takes the way they had learned was safest for all three of them. "So we doin the usual?" Rascal asks looking to Brook who was in the back basket. "Yeah I guess so. Carlos remember keep whoever we steal from distracted until we get everything Liv and Maddie need," Brook says as Carlos nods, "I know Bwook," Carlos says as they continued to drive to the baby store.


At the baby store both Yorkies sigh, as they waited for someone to come out of the store. "I really don't like doing this." Brook stated to her sister who let's herself sigh, "I know I do too. It's so unfair how some have the best life, while some of us have to steal anything and everything we need. And looking bad while doing it." Rascal whispers, as she didn't want Carlos to hear their conversation. That's when they heard the door open and spotted a women who had all the baby supplies they needed, "Alright it's go time Brook told the the two other who nod as Carlos stopped the car.and the dogs jumped out staying near the car.

"Hi can you help me I'm lost." Carlos says, "Yeah sure cutie, where did you last see your mommy. " The  lady asks as  the two Yorkies instantly started running to the cart as they grabbed the formula, bottles, and diapers, throwing them into the red electronic vehicle.  That's when Carlos grabs one of the blanket which made the lady see the dogs, who were still stealing a few things. "Oh snap, Carlos we got enough now let's go!" Brook barks out as Carlos looks to the pups before sticking his tongue out at the lady. "Ha! Can't catch me!" He screamed out as he ran to the car and jumped in the two dogs following in suite as  he starts the electronic toy car and drive off. Barely getting to their secret passageway, before the women could catch them


Brook flops down in the basket where they had put most of the supplies. "That was to close," Brook barks out as Rascal rolls her eyes, "We we're fine we got everything didn't we?" Rascal says as Brook rolls her eyes, "We barely got everything and we almost got caught. We need to be more careful next time." Brook says, as Carlos groan, "Stop fighting!" Carlos says as the twins nod, "Okay sorry. Now let's get home, Rascal and I still have to steal dinner for the rest of us." Brook says not looking forward to more stealing, but they were hungry.  "Okay Brook, Rascal can you get some chocolate this time?" Carlos asks as Brook sighs, "I don't know Carlos..."

Brook says, "Please, I really want some." Carlos begged as Brook looked to Rascal. "Listen bud, we'll try to get some, but we can't promise anything." Rascal says  as Carlos nods, "Yay thanks I hope you get some! Carlos says, making the two Yorkies laugh as they drove into their home.

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