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The planet is hot but not hot enough to fight planet gurunda. The water here is easier to find than Planet Gurunda. The type of dirt is peat soil so be careful when it's rain because this planet is often rainy. The scenery looks like a village view and a lot I mean very a lot of rumbia trees.

'Wahhh!! I miss this scent!' said Ying after she's inhaled some fresh air. 'Yeah! It reminds me a lot about my hometown.' Agreed Yaya.

'You guys, right. I can't remember when the last time I stepped foot at Tok Aba's orchard.' Said Boboiboy. 'Wait, Tok Aba has an orchard?' ask Gopal. 'Of course, he does. You the one said Tok Aba pick cocoa beans at his own orchard when I stepped foot at Pulau Rintis.' Said Boboiboy. 'Oh right. I forgot. Hihi...' replies Gopal. (Referred to Boboiboy Season 1 Episode 1)

'Okay, back to the mission. Does anyone found any clue how to find perfumebot?' ask Fang. 'Don't ask me.' Said Gopal unbothered. 'I think I have,' said Yaya. 'What is it?' ask Boboiboy. 'Try you guys look around us, what do you see?' 'Obviously, trees.' Said Gopal 'Exactly, data said perfumebot crash here so...' 'Oh! It must have crashed at one of these trees!' connect Ying confidently. 'Yes!' said Yaya happily.

'Good thinking, guys!' praise Boboiboy. 'But how do we find it though. There's a lot of trees here.' Said Gopal. 'Hehe... by flying of course!' Boboiboy showing off his power watch.

'Kuasa Elemental Boboiboy Taufan! Okay, Fang Yaya let's separate and try to find any sign of Perfumebot near here. Don't go too far.' Direct Boboiboy. 'Okay' Fang and Yaya nodding their head and start the search. 'How about us?' ask Gopal. 'You guys stay here and report to us if something suspicious happening' leads Fang. 'That's settle. Let's go!' said Ying.

And the search has begun.

20 minutes later...

Boboiboy and Yaya come back to Gopal and Ying while Fang is nowhere to be seen. 'Did you guys found anything?' ask Ying. 'No' said Boboiboy and change to normal back. 'Me too' add Yaya. 'Dey! Where's Fang?' ask Gopal. 'I don't know I don't see him' said Boboiboy. 'Let's just call him if he's in danger or something.' Said Ying and start to call him using her power watch.

'Hey, Fang! Where are you?' ask Ying. 'Shhhh... I found something suspicious here and I found Perfumebot.' Said Fang and shows Perfumebot. 'Wow great! Come back here!' said Gopal. 'I can't we are surrounded,' said Fang. 'What?! We will be there in a sec' said Boboiboy hurriedly. 'What's that noise?' 'It's from there' said one of the crew while pointing at the bush where Fang is. 'Okay! Hurry!' said Fang and close the call.

With that, they quickly go to the Fang location.

While in Fang's place...

'Tch... RIMBA BAYANG! ATTACK!!' Shout Fang. 'Rawrrrr!!!' The fight getting tensed and more crew are coming alongside their robots. 'Ughh... too many I need to slow them down. Jari Bayang!' Fang tries hard to destroy all the bad guy's crews.

And suddenly...

'TETAKAN KILAT!!!'shout Boboiboy Halilintar who just arrived. 'Sorry we're late!' said Ying. 'It's okay. It's time for an action' said Fang cooly.


'They are so many! We need to retreat fast!' said Yaya using the power watch.

Boboiboy Halilintar nods his head and turns back to his original style. 'Boboiboy Kuasa Tiga!' shout Boboiboy who summoned Gempa, Taufan and Duri.

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