The only chapter

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Hello there! I Assume you've come for the story? Well, I have a story for you. Take a seat and get comfortable because I'm going to tell you the story about the end of a world

Today's story puts you into the mind of a boy named Jace and his final day on a green and blue planet called earth.

A I wake up, something was different, it wasn't something too different, but something was different. I opened my eyes on my own, rather than to an alarm clock. It was dead silent, no birds were chirping, no cars were driving, trains were silent, church bells weren't ringing. It is still. As if the world simply ceased to operate. I glance over at my alarm clock and see that it isn't plugged in, With a groan I roll out of bed, knowing I'll be late to school. Opening my door and stepping into the hallway, the strange calmness strikes me once again, I couldn't even hear my parents in the kitchen making breakfast as they normally would on a Tuesday morning. A cold feeling sets into me as a sudden feeling of being watched sinks in, out loud I ask "Is someone there?" nothing but silence meets me. Cautiously I walk down the stairs into the kitchen and see... nothing. I peer out the window and see cars parked in the streets, engines still running as if their owners had abandoned them in a hurry. Quickly running to my mom and dad's bedroom, I try the doorknob to find it locked. I start to breathe heavily, to myself "Mom and dad could have gone to work... but what about the rest of the cars-" as I'm speaking I hear something crash behind me. Whipping around I can see that a picture had fallen off the wall, strange burn marks appeared on it when I kneel down to inspect. A strange hiss sounds behind me followed by the sound of a door unlocking. Slowly I stand and look at the door to my parent's room, reaching towards the doorknob I stop suddenly, the feeling of being watched had returned. I put my back to the wall and look around the room panicked. "Hello?!" I yell out in a desperate voice, my call was met by a shriek coming from the door, it sounded like my mother, but it was different as if my mother was a sound that had been recorded twice on different devices, overlapping to form one sound. Lacking the time to think I pull on the knob and run through the door, met with a horror I never thought iI would see. Hanging from the ceiling from a black, rope-like substance, were my mother and father, my mother's throat hanging open, her windpipe hanging from it, the top severed off. My father hung next to her, pale, and still. Between them was the creature who caused this. A dark blue and black color covering its whole body, the lower half looks like that of a spider. However, the top half of its body looks almost human if humans were a deep blue color with insect-like mandibles sprouting from its mouth and had six more eyes. I tried to scream but it got caught in my throat, this massive creature looked at me with all eight eyes and I felt myself become dizzy, the scream I tried to create earlier died completely along with my ability to breathe. In my final moments, I notice the room has a slight layer to it, a gas, one to cause paralysis I assume. The spider-man scuttles over to me slowly, knowing I was defenseless, and sprays the strange black rope out of his mouth, wrapping it around my neck. He sticks me to the ceiling and the world around me fades to black. After I die I float out of my body, I look up to see a deathly thin, almost skeletal, man, holding a bag, I felt drawn to it, it was my fate. As I take one last look at the world I lived my short life on I see more bodies hanging from various spots and thousands of spider-men dwelling in the shadows. I look up to accept my fate and a feeling of dread sets over me, I don't want to go into the bag, and yet I can't stop. With my struggling to leave the pull a deep raspy laugh echoes through my ears, and the same laugh turns into a voice "yes, another dreadful ending, your trauma will be an exquisite addition to my collection." I close my eyes and head into the dark, accepting my fate.

The End

Thank you for reading this far, tell me what you think and if i should keep doing more like this. 

have a great  day :D

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