Third Muster: Chapter 57

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It started raining. The sky finally realizing that it isn't a best time to show the moon shining. Dark clouds covers the sky as it starts to pour. Thunder claps can be hurt but everyone was silent. One by one, the remaining soldiers lay the dead im grief but with honor and pride in their eyes.

Hundreds of dead vampires are being laid on the ground as king Jimin stands before them, his queen in his hand lifeless. At first, they were confused why he killed her but they soon realized why as they watch the king carry her dead body in his arms who's now a frail dead body of a human being again. They knew she sacrificed herself for everyone.

Jungkook grips his shirt as he tries himself to stop from crying out loud. He blames himself for everything. He thought of every possible good things that could've happen if he just went with Selene in the first place. But here he is, having no choice but to stand amongst the crowd together with the rest as they look up at the king with Yeora in his hand.

His heart even shatters more as he looks into the king's lifeless face, dead eyes and souless expression. Although his aura screams victory and pride, his eyes says griefing and pain. Everyone feels it, especially Teahyung who's near to drop to his knees and scream in pain. His heart hurts physically but he shows to emotions. On the contrary, Jennie stares imto the abyss and stayed silent the whole time. She's too hurt and furious that she doesn't know how to express what she really feels.

It continues to rain while the king lays down Yeora's dead body on the ground on the space infront of him above the starecase that leads up to the castle's great doors. It hurts him to leave her there but he is still a king. He needs to push his grief to the side to show that they still won.

"We might lost a lot of lives but ome things is for sure. We have the victory!" He throws his fist on the air making the crowd cry in pride and freedom.

"Tonight, as the rain pours and thunder roars, I want us to grieve for the next 40 days. Your queen and the other fellow vampires has sacrificedbtheir lives to give us the freedom we have right now. It is only fitting that we show out respect to them," Jimin announced.

The crowd bows down and stays silent as they understand the pain their king is bearing right now. The families of the dead were quick to look for their dead relatives and sounds of cry  echoes through the kingdom.

Jimin picks Yeora up from the ground and starts walking to the doors of the castle. The rest of the people leaves in silence while the others follow Jimin inside with heavy hearts.

The king walks to his throne room with wet clothes and soaking head. With Yeora in his arms, he sits down on his throne and cradles her in his arms. He couldn't stop himself anymore.

Wails of agony leaves the king's mouth. He wimpers in pain as tears relentlessly roll dowm his eyes. His just holds her, hugs her and kiss her. It's the onky thing he could do now. His cries are heard throughout the castle and everyone was dead silent as the king grieves in pain.

"Thank you my love," Jimin whispers as he kisses her lips.

"Thank you so much," he again whispers with tears.

For over an hour, he sat there with Yeora in his arms. For an hour he revels with her on his lap for the last time. Her scent is long gone and so is her human warmth.

"Well done your majesty."

He hears it again in his head, glossing over his orbs again.

Taehyung stood behind one of the pillars and was about to walk in but he remains there to let the king grieve to his heart's content. He kept quiet but his tears are also threatening to spill once again.

He finally steps out and announces his presence as Hoseok, his advicer passes by to talk to the king.

They both bowed to him and as they raised their head, Jimin has already wiped his tears away.

"Your majesty, what are your plans for her highness' wake?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin looks down at her and sniffs.

"We should ask Taehyung. He knows what to do," the king answers.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung nods.

"I am the only one who's allowed to bury her your majesty. It is in my duties as her servant," he says as politely as he can.

Jimin shuts his eyes close and nods in agreement and understanding. Even though he wants to do it himself, he knew he just isn't allowed to.

So with a heavy heart, he lets Taehyung near the throne and lets him take Yeora from his arms.

Taehyung walks out, with Yeora's weight in his arm. No one dares to ask him anything or even come near him. Even Jennie who only can cry.

He reaches the end of the starecase and spreads his wings wide. With all his strength, he flies into the sky and at that moment, Jimin and all the other castle folks felt her absence in an instant.

The castle's windows shuts close. A sign that the king is again grieving for the second time around.


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