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Today me and Garnet are getting ready to go with daddy to his doctor's appointment and to get our little sister and brother from their dad's house. Mark is already ready. I go down stairs and Garnet comes down too. Garnet gives him a hug. I give him a hug and a kiss in the cheek.
"Love you daddy."I said as we walked together out to the Escalade.
"I love you too,baby girl."He said to me. I get in the driver's seat and he gets in the passenger's seat. Garnet sits in the back seat. We head to the doctor's office. I play music off of my iPhone on the radio. We get to the doctors office and I sign him in. We sit in the waiting room. Finally he got called back. We go back to the room and o sit down in the chair and garnet sits in the other chair. The doctor comes into the room to do the ultrasound. He gets started on the ultrasound.
"We can tell the gender."The doctor said.
"I want to know the gender." He said to him.
"Your having a baby girl."The doctor said.
The ultrasound is done and we go and pick up my twin brother Vince and little sister Caroline. I drive to our other dad's house.Vince comes out the house puts their stuff in the trunk of the car.
"Hey sis."He said as he got in the front with me and our dad gets in the back with caroline.
"Hi sissy." Caroline said as she gets in her car seat.
"Hey guys."I said. I put on the sour album by Olivia Rodrigo. We listened to it the whole way home We get home and get their stuff in the house. Me,Zemo,and Garnet go out with our friends. We go to the mall and out to eat and eat e go partying. We had a fun day and a fun night. Our dad and little sister are at home. We don't get home until early in the morning.

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