Chapter 1

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Disclaimer before I start: I do not own Spider-Man or any of the characters involved in it. So, please don't sue me:) Enjoy!

Also, sorry for taking so long to post this. I took a break from writing for a little bit, but I'm back now! And just in time for the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home. That might've been intentional. *Wink wink*

The opening credits appear over a series of images.

A view of Lizard-Girl holding onto Spider-Man as he swings through the air can be seen.

The view zooms out as narration begins.

Hey, it's me. Y/n l/n. One of the local celebrities/superheroes around these parts. Whatever doubts I had in the past about my future of crime fighting and finding my place in the world are certainly gone now.

The view has been of y/n watching a giant screen on the side of a building in Times Square of the superheroes in action.


She smiles warmly.

She brings her attention away from the screen and starts walking down the sidewalk.

The narration continues.

Not only have I been busy keeping the city safe, but I even had time to get a book published.

Y/n looks in the window of a shop she's walking by, and sees her book, "The Final Print", on display.

She's still smiling as she keeps walking down the sidewalk.

And I have a successful, healthy relationship with the man of my dreams.

Y/n looks in the window of another shop she's walking by. This time it contains jewelry.

She has her eye on a golden ring with a diamond shaped green stone.

She walks in the shop as the view shows the outside.

The ring gets removed from the window and y/n walks out from the shop not too long later.

Life is good.


The view changes to later that night.

Y/n pulls up to a broadway theatre in a black BMW.

The car rolls to a stop as y/n opens the door on the passenger side.

Before closing it, she thanks the driver.

The car drives away as she turns around.

She walks up to the theatre and sees Peter Parker standing outside of it; clearly waiting for someone.

She smiles and walks quicker up to him.

He sees her and smiles.

She comes up to him and hugs him.



They let go of each other and y/n kisses him.

They kiss for a few seconds before breaking away.

So, long time no see.

Peter laughs.

I mean, when's the last time we saw each other? A couple days? That's too long.

You're right. That's why after the show, we're going to be spending some quality time together.

The Spider-Man Chronicles (Part 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin