Beware the buddy system!

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Y/N-your name
L/N-last name
F/C/F-Fav color flowers
F/C-Fav color
{For thoughts}

(Y/N)asked questions
"So my guess is that you kids like adventuring,right?"
"Yes,we love adventuring"the four said as they landed in the L/N garden
"Thanks for the flight home lassie"
"Your welcome,I can drive ya'll to your manor if you want Mr.McDuck?"
"That would be fine lassie"
"Alright come now,also careful with the F/C/F bushes since it's dark"(Y/N)said as they waked through the garden to the manor door opening
The triplets and webby,launchpad ran in the manor

McDuck?""That would be fine lassie""Alright come now,also careful with the F/C/F bushes since it's dark"(Y/N)said as they waked through the garden to the manor door openingThe triplets and webby,launchpad ran in the manor

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[The color can be any]
"Oh dear sorry lassie"
"Its fine,they will get tired"(Y/N)said while they walked to the living room to find the kids and launchpad asleep on the F/C couches

"Again sorry lassie"scrooge said to (Y/N) while she just giggled then the doorbell rang

"I'll get that"(Y/N)as she opened the door then shut it quickly
"OI (L/N) OPEN UP!!" yelled glomgold and scrooge looked at you strange as you tried to hold the door
"How does flinty know you?"
"Well he knows me thru friends been trying to ask me out,keep rejecting him"(YN)said nervously
"Well then what is it?"(Y/N)said with the door cracked
"It's what you told me...about the dragon...the thing is all the villains made a bet"then he mumbled
"Sorry what"
"Wemadeabetandyourthesamevalueasgold!"he said as he ran away knowing you would be angry
"Um lassie?"
"Its fine anyway lets go get the kids and launchpad to the limo,k?"

With that (Y/N) went to get the limo ready while scrooge went to wake the group up

Once (Y/N) had the car infront of the manor she went inside to help scrooge
"Should I take launchpad and webby first?"
"If it ain't much trouble lassie"scrooge said while he took huey and donald took louie.It was hard getting launchpad in since he moved punching(Y/N)leaving a bruised cheek as scrooge apologized while she got webby in and told him it's fine as she started it

"Come on McDuck its fine,you can't blame him"
"I just feel bad that you got hurt"he said as he sat down
"Its fine really I have been through worse"she told him as she drove to McDuck manor
"But still I want to make it up to you"
"Are you sure,I guess if I can go to the manor so the kids woun't be bored"
"Sure lassie its fine"he replied as they stoped at the manor and beackley was there waiting
"Hello beackley mind helping bring them to bed?"

Ms.Beackley just nodded as she took launchpad in one arm and webby in the other with donald walking with the trplete then to his boat only leaving scrooge and (Y/N) turning off the car

"So want to stay"he asked closeing the door
"Sure but I make breakfast for everone"
"Alright"he said as they both walked in the manor
"So there is only one room left and that mine although you can sleep in it I'll sleep on the couch"
"Now McDuck we will share a bed or do you want me feeling bad"
"My how blunt and shameless"he said as he showed his room.In reality(Y/N)was dieing inside and think she said that
"Night I guess"(Y/N)said as she climbed in bed scrooge did the same
"Night lassie"

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