Chapter 42

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"How do you know them?" VP asked her daughter.

"I'll tell you later mom" She turned to us with a smile. "Come in. I'm ordering pizza" she went back inside the house but we stayed rooted to our spot as VP surveyed us in suspicion. She did that for a long moment then huffed and walked away.

Both Lexi and I released a breath in relief but Brian was still deathly pale.

"You okay Brian?"

"I fucked VP's daughter" He mumbled.

"Gosh, that's so weird to even think about" Lexi shuddered.

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Now I get why she looked so familiar. She's the exact copy of her mom. Well her younger version"

"Aren't you coming in?" The reporter called.

"Yeah yeah we're coming" I hooked my arms with Lexi and Brian and dragged them both inside.

VP was waiting, seated on a couch, her arms cross, eyes narrowed behind her rim glasses. "How do you know each other?"

Her daughter sat down, biting a potato chip. She jerked her chin towards Brian, "We slept together"

Lexi and I both gaped and we had to place a hand behind Brian's back to stop him from fainting.

"What?" VP asked incredulously.

"He even slept with my friends"

Lord help us.

VP turned blazing eyes on Brian, stood up from her chair and strode towards him. Brian backed to the wall, a yelp escaping his lips.

"You" She hissed. "Be happy that I'm not your VP anymore or else-" She drew a line across her neck and Brian swallowed.

"Touch my daughter again and I'll cut your twinkie. Understand?"

Brian was ready to cry but he gave a nod.

Then she shot him one last glare and backed away, turning to us. "I'm happy that you came to see me. See Audrey" She glanced at her daughter. "I told you, my colleagues love me"

Lexi and I blinked.

Audrey rolled her eyes and glanced at us. "By the way I'm Audrey Randall. I know you-" She pointed to Brian. "Brian big dick. Then you-" She pointed to me. "Hailey Kingston"

I was baffled. "Excuse me?"

But she only winked and turned to Lexi. "And who might you be?"

"Lexi. Lexi Benson"

Audrey grinned. "It's nice to meet you. I'm ordering pizza now, anyone vegetarian?"

We shook our heads and Audrey took out her phone, ordering the pizza. After she was done, she patted on the couch next to her. "Why are you all standing up? Come sit here"

I walked over to Audrey first and was about to sit down when I heard sounds of more cars being pulled into the driver way.

I slightly moved the curtains away and looked through the windows. Doors of several cars opened and people- no our own marketing colleagues climbed out. They looked at one another and gasped, shocked to see everyone here.

"You didn't tell me you were coming" Alan pointed an accusing finger at Ashley.

"You didn't tell us either" She barked.

"I think I have to order more pizza" Audrey muttered next to me.

All the employees strode to the front door and before they could knock, VP opened the door. "I'm overwhelmed by the love you have for me"

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