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For the sake of the story, pretend that Nico can draw really well and he drew the scenes from Tartarus and Will found out his drawing book.....


Will made his way back to the infirmary. But it was obvious that he was shaken to the core. Why wouldn't he be? He had seen Tartarus, in all it's misery, through drawings. As ridiculous as it sounded, he was scared by a drawing. But he was shaken by the fact that his Nico had gone through all that alone. My Nico. Will blushed at that. He entered the infirmary and went straight to Nico's bed, the book in his hand. Nico was thrashing in his bed but was asleep, a Hypnos and a Morpheus camper at his side. Both were exhausted and sweat was trickling down their forehead. "It's getting harder. To keep his 'dreams' from reaching him." The Morpheus camper informed him. The way she said dreams confirmed that it didn't have unicorns and rainbows.

"He wants to wake up. It's as if he knows that sooner or later, his dreams would be back." The Hypnos camper said. Will visibly paled. "I'll handle it from here." Will said, though he didn't know how he'd do that. Even though Will said so, both of them didn't stop. Will gently got on the bed and held Nico's hand and started blowing his bangs out of his eyes. He then started playing with Nico's hair. Each time their skin touched, Will felt electricity jolting through him and something about it was familiar yet distant. Will placed a kiss on Nico's forehead and said soothing words to him. Nico calmed down when Will hugged him. Both campers slumped on the ground, the exhaustion being too much to handle. Nico smiled into Will's shirt. An actual, beautiful smile that made Will's heart flutter. Will was exhausted too. He had to stay up all night making special medicines for the injured. Will snuggled up to Nico and fell asleep within minutes.


Will woke up to the sound that annoyed him the most. His dad singing a haiku while playing an instrument. Most Apollo campers who were in the infirmary groaned and tried to block out the sounds. Jessica went as far as banging her head on the wall, asking their dad to stop. That's when he realised that they had slept through the entire night with no demigod dreams and almost like a bonus, Nico was hugging him and smiling. Will blushed slightly but was still sleepy, no matter the ringing in his ears. "Jessica, darling, you need to stop that." A very familiar voice said, earning even more groaning and moaning and a few choice words from Jessica, who was still, miraculously, half-asleep. "Daaaaaaadddddddddd" She groaned and grunted some unflattering words at their father who was disturbing her sleep. Knowing Jessica, she would have been awake the whole night and must have fallen asleep 10 minutes before sunrise. "But I just fell asleep!!!" She protested. Bingo! "Come see the sunrise and you can sleep the rest of the morning." Apollo offered. Instantly, the other Apollo campers rushed out, except for her twin brother and Will.

Jessica shot out of bed, hand brushed her curly hair, rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and washed her face. "I'm ready!!" She said, before leaning on her twin brother, Joshua, and instantly falling asleep. "This girl..." Apollo chuckled. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After that, everything went well for both Nico and Will. But after campfire, Nico started getting fidgety. "Hey...." Will said, as he walked up to Nico. "Hey." Nico said, not lifting his head up to meet Will's. Will slowly lifted Nico's head and kissed him on the cheek. Sure, they had held hands, hugged and slept on the same bed, but this was different. This was a kiss we were talking about. Not just a way for the other to sleep well, but a kiss. On the cheek. Both Nico and Will blushed. They talked for a bit and decided to take a walk. They went into the woods first. But Juniper and her friends shooed them away, saying that it was almost night and that the demigods needed sleep. Will suspected she was making something for Grover from the way she smiled, and her friends giggling and hiding things.

So they went to the beach. Will was slightly disappointed to see that they weren't alone but at the same time, enjoyed the company. There was Percy, Leo, Jason, Frank, Annabeth, Calypso, Thalia, Reyna, Piper and Hazel on the beach, talking and laughing. "Will? Nico?" Piper noticed them before he could backtrack. "Hey guys. Mind if we join you?" "Not at all. Come on." Annabeth invited them over. Will and Nico sat between Jason and Percy, forming a circle. They talked for a while, played a few games, said the most embarrassing things that happened to them. And how they changed recently. Who knew Jason tried eating staplers? And that Frank used to be shy, awkward and insecure? They even talked to Percy and Annabeth about Tartarus, Bob and Damasen, but when it came to either Akhyls or arai, everyone fell silent.

Then they resorted to stargazing. They lied on their back; the night breeze played with their hair, the sea made them calm and happy. They commented on their favorite constellations. Annabeth spotted most of the constellations. But eventually, almost all the demigods fell asleep. Jason and Piper were hugging each other in their sleep. Thalia and Reyna slept near each other, both holding daggers. Will didn't want to be the one who woke them. Frank and Hazel were also holding hands and sleeping soundly. Leo and Calypso were whispering to each other, but soon they too fell asleep. The only ones who were awake were Will, Nico and Percy. Percy sat up and started playing with Annabeth's hair.

"She looks beautiful in the moonlight doesn't she?" Silence. "Do you want us to answer that or are you just asking to break the silence?" Nico asked. "What you said." Percy replied. "Will", he turned to Will. "I want you to know that I love Nico like my own brother and I don't want him to be the way he used to be, again." Nico rolled his eyes and said, "I'm right here, you know?" while Will nodded his head. "Well, that's it. Good night." Percy lied next to Annabeth and instantly fell asleep. Nico chuckled. "Only him.. How does he fall asleep THAT easily?" Will smiled and said, "Maybe because he has Annabeth by his side." Annabeth curled up into a ball in her sleep and Percy hugged her, drawing soothing circles on her back while he was asleep. Annabeth eased into Percy's arms.

Just then, a shooting star passed over their heads. "What do you want to wish for?" Will asked Nico. Nico just laughed. "It doesn't work like that. It's a myth." "Well," Will began, "we are supposed to be myths too." Nico said, "Fair enough." After a while of talking, Will confessed what happened yesterday evening. The book and the drawings. First, Nico was shocked. Then he lowered his gaze and wouldn't meet Will's eyes. "Nico," this time, Will lifted Nico's chin. But still he wouldn't meet Will's eyes. "I want you to know that you're the bravest person I know. Sure, Percy and Annabeth suffered too. But they were together. And that's not all. You suffered a lot through these years and that perfectly explains why you're like this. And why Percy is worried about you. If it means that you'd be happy again, I'd go to the Pit and back. I will fall-" "Stop!" Nico finally met his eyes. They were brimmed with tears. "I don't want you to fall in there. You mean so much to me and I refuse to let anything happen to you." Nico's eyes held determination. Will was touched when Nico said that. "I love you Nico." Will whispered. "I love you too..' Nico replied, blushing. They looked at each other for a moment and then their lips connected. The stars glowed brighter for a second. Even a wonderful meteor shower lit up the sky. But both demigods were oblivious to it all. They were lost in their own world.

Behind a few trees and bushes, Aphrodite and Apollo were squealing and hugging each other. They jumped up and down, giggling as their ship sailed with a bit of 'spice' as Aphrodite states. Hades, as usual, had blended into the shadows. A small smile tugged at his lips. He whispered, "Well done kiddo. I hope you'll be happy with him."

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