53- He broke the rule

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"Come in"

The man spoke as his aurora green eyes were focused on the file in his hand. The man walked into the room as his face held no emotion. "Sir Kylo, I think it is time for you to reveal your identity. Micheal Jude's company is destroyed.

Juliet Horper is in the prison right now. Remy Horper is nowhere to be found. I think your plan has succeeded. How about revealing your real identity at the launch of your new company?" The assistant suggested and stared at the man.

Kylo fell into silence. He was unsatisfied. He did not like the fact that Juliet Horper and Micheal Jude were suffering just because of someone and not because of him. Kylo wanted to be the one who made them suffer. But now it was ruined.

"I will think about revealing my identity later. Tell me about the person who put Juliet Horper in prison first. Did you find out?" Kylo asked without looking at the man. "Yes, I found a boy who saw the whole scene"

The assistant responded. "Continue" Kylo said with a stone face. His eyes never left the file. He ordered his assistant to find out about the person who put Juliet Horper into prison. Kylo was dumbfounded when he found out about the news.

He was supposed to make Juliet Horper suffer and yet someone did it first. Someone exposed Juliet Horper's lies. But Kylo could not find out who that person was. He wanted to know who that person was. He wanted to know why that person was doing like these.

Maybe Juliet Horper owed something to that person. That must be the reason why that person was making Juliet Horper suffer in prison. "It is Miss Mara Athena, Sir Kylo" the man replied with a stone face. He was standing in front of the table where Kylo was sitting with a cold face.

They were in the room.

The reading room of Kylo. Words from the man made Kylo furrow his brows in surprise, he looked up at the assistant with wrinkled eyebrows. "Mara Athena is the one who did all of these? She is the one who put Juliet Horper in prison? Are you sure?" Kylo asked in disbelief.

There was no way the young woman who named Mara Athena would do something like that. She was not that brave enough to put someone in prison. Kylo heard about the news of Mara Athena getting abused by her stepmother.

But still Mara Athena was not that cruel and terrifying, right? She could not be the one who did those, right? There was no way the young woman who could not even lay a hand on someone was making her stepmother suffer in pain.

"Yes, Sir. The boy who worked at Zillah said Miss Mara Athena was the one who exposed Juliet Horper's lies. Miss Mara Athena even played poker with Juliet Horper and won all the money. He said there was a man with Miss Mara Athena, the boyfriend of Miss Mara Athena"

The man informed. The more the assistant explained, the more Kylo became confused. "Boyfriend? Mara Athena has a boyfriend?" Kylo furrowed his brows and looked up at the man. His eyes were shaking in disbelief. Then his thoughts were true.

The young woman actually had a boyfriend. If so, who was the boyfriend of Mara Athena then? Was he Ezekial Clyde? Were they actually dating? When did they meet? When did they start dating? "Who is her boyfriend?" Kylo asked and shut the file folder.

He could not focus on the work anymore. "It is still unsure but someone said he's the son of Juliet Horper. His name is Oliver Jack" the assistant spoke with a stone face. Kylo raised his eyebrow. The son of Juliet Horper? What was he doing with Mara Athena?

Did that Oliver Jack watch his mother suffering? "I want all the information about Oliver Jack in two days" Kylo said and placed the file on the table. "I understand. Have a good night, Sir Kylo" the man lowered his head and excused himself.

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