The Wedding

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own the photos/videos on the cover.


I dreamed about my girlfriend and I. I was inside a church wearing my white dress. I was with my closest friends and they're celebrating with me. We are just waiting for my girl to start the ceremony, but all of a sudden there's and earthquake and lightning. The church became dark and people were in panic. I was looking for my girl but I couldn't find her. Soon after, water came inside the church. It's a flood.

"LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER" When you feel that you love someone, go for it. But does following our heart is really the best thing to do? I don't know! All I know is I am a woman who also loves a woman. ❤️

"Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are."

--Ellen DeGeneres --



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