Chapter 41: Back To School

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I drew the Afton family as a thank you to you guys reading my story :> this is the last chapter of the book but I will release a note after this chapter. 

(16 years later)

You wake up and rubbed your eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." William said while he tied his tie. 

"Morning." You yawned.  

Elisabeth ran in and jumped on your bed.


"Already?" You said.

"What grade are you in now?" William asked.

"2nd grade!" She said.

"Wow Elisabeth. Since your so old I guess your gonna have to start paying rent." William said.

Elisabeth looked at him seriously.

"I don't have any money..." She said.

You and William started laughing.

"I'm kidding you can still live here for free I guess." William smiled, "Let's go get you dressed."

William picked up Elisabeth and walked to her room. You got up and started getting dressed in your uniform for work. While you were slipping on your heals you could hear pounding on Michael's door.


You walked down the hall to William. 

"What's going on?" You asked.

"His door is locked and he told me he's not getting out of bed." William said clearly annoyed. 

"Micheal it's me!" You said.

The teen opened up his door.

"How come you open it up for her and not me!?" William said.

"What's wrong Mikey?" You asked him. 

"I don't wanna go to high-school. It's lame and it sucks butt. This year I have Ms. Peterson and I heard she's a real bitch." Micheal said.

"Hey! Language young man!" You said

"He's right. I had her and she was a bitch." William said.

"Don't encourage him." You told William.

"Can you please get dressed? Maybe this year will be different!" You said.

"Fine." Micheal shut his door and started getting dressed.

You and William heard crying from Chris's room so you two ran in his room. Chris was hiding under his blanket. William walked over and took the blankets off of him. Chris screamed. 

"It's just me!" William said and sat on his bed.

Chris crawled into William's lap and hugged him tightly.

"There's monsters in the closet! And under my bed! And in the halls!!" He said. 

"You have to stop watching those 3am videos with Elisabeth before you go to bed, there giving you nightmares!" You said.

"How long did you sleep for?" William asked. 

"I didn't.." Chris said. 

"Chrisssss." You said and crossed your arms.

💜Make Believe 💜 William Afton x female reader (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now