Don't Piss the Reaper Off, Gamo

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"Fuck me, man..." a boy groans angrily as he plopped himself on a chair inside an art clubroom and rested his head on his hands.

If you couldn't tell, the boy named Y/n was stressed and frustrated, many events he had went through today as he was not having it at all.

First, it was midterms for most of his classes which was a pain in the ass by itself, next he forgot his wallet at home to eat, then he got called into the principal's office because Mikio called him out for "bullying" him. His mother and the coach were involved as well as it made the situation worse.

Who knew her name was Karen... That was supposed to be a joke!

He called out Mikio's mom as well, igniting the fire more as she demands him to be kicked off the team so his "precious baby" don't have to suffer.

Luckily, his coach pulled out the "favorites" card, not that it wasn't obvious as he was to be suspended from rugby for a week. Not as bad as being kicked but...

The perks of being a favorite... It helps you out when you're the favorable one on the team...

But he was frustrated, annoyed, and mad nonetheless as he rested his head into his arms, fuming with all of the negative emotions inside him.

"This day... can't get any worse... right?" He mumbles in his arms before a wrapper starts to slide noisily towards him, glancing up and finding Naoto pushing one of the anpans he bought from the school's cafeteria.

He looks up at Naoto who was a bit flustered, along with Nagatoro who had a small smile on his face. Naoto wanted to say something but couldn't, his girlfriend knew what he was trying to say.

"He wants to thank you once again with that awful boy that you said had slammed his head on the table... and offer you something since you don't have any food in front of you..." she said as Y/n wanted to smile.

Then he tries to decline it, saying that his teammate was just being an asshole and wanted to teach him a lesson. In the end, he started eating the bread as the three sat in silence in the room. Well, mostly Nagatoro and Naoto spoke most of the time since Y/n wasn't much of a talker.

He lets out a silent sigh of satisfaction, having something to eat was enough to bring his mood up a bit as he was halfway through his portions.

Then, the door inside the room slides open with a ruckus, the three turned to find their orange haired friend who had a smug grin on her face. Y/n looks back at the table to continue to eat, still a bit moody from today and-

"Sup, Paisen?~" Y/n winces back at the sudden name she pulled off but continued to eat.

"Pai~sen!~" she calls once more as Y/n was slowly getting more moody than before, finding Gamo who leaned her head next to him. "Are you talking to me?"

She nods. "Yeah! That's you!~" she giggles softly, her hands behind her back but Y/n was a bit tense and a little confused. It felt as if she was trying to...

"...What's with the sudden nickname?" insult him...


"What's with the sudden nickname, Gamo?" Y/n said in a more stern tone as Gamo kept up the act with him as she still had the smile on her face, calling him Paisen, and ruffling his hair.

It was slowly getting to the boy as he was ready to snap...

He's ready to snap as Gamo continued to playfully tease the rugby player.

"Aww... Is the wittle boy a wittle gwumpy?~ You want me to-"


"What is your problem?"

Gamo-chan x Silent/Cold Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now