Chapter 3: Settling in

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Killer was told to stay that night in the castle, she really didn't want to but she had to. Killer was guided by both brothers to her room, when she entered her eyes widened. She couldn't have been brought to such a beautiful room only to stay for tonight or a few days, Killer nervously looked at Dream and Nightmare.

Dream smiled and nodded, Nightmare only scoffed and looked away.

"Thank you so much!" Killer said bowing down. This seemed to take both the twins by surprise.

"There is no need to bow!" Dream exclaimed nervously. "In the closet, there are dresses for you that your parents sent you, you might stay over for a week. My parents have really liked you" Dream smiled.

"But what about the other princesses and princes?" Killer asked nervously.

"Who cares, just go to sleep it's getting late and I'm getting impatient" Nightmare growled, Killer nervously nodded and entered the room.

Suddenly the door was shut behind her and locked, Killer gasped and tried to open it, she growled when she couldn't.

"Hey! What's going on!" Killer snapped.

"Just in case so you don't do anything stupid" Nightmare chuckled.

"Brother she won't do anything! We can trust her!" Dream insisted.

"You trust her, I don't" growled Nightmare. "Be ready by nine in the morning tomorrow, you probably have to spend a day with me" Nightmare sighed.

"You're a strict one aren't you?" Killer whispered.

"If you get me angry I will send you back to your own home, get it!" Nightmare growled.

"Yeah," Killer said, rolling her eyes. Suddenly a loud bang was heard in the door, Killer whimpered as she fell forward and looked back at the door. Luckily it wasn't broken but it did scare her.

"Don't you dare be sarcastic!"

"Nightmare, control yourself!" Dream snapped.

"YOU ONLY HAVE ONE MORE CHANCE!" Nightmare snapped, Killer gulped nervously.

She soon heard them walk away, well it sounded more like Dream was dragging his brother away with him. Killer sighed in relief and stood up, she went towards the closet and changed into another dress. It looked as if they only had dresses in there.

Killer sighed, she just changed into the dress. This one she didn't need a corset or any of that, it was a light red color. Killer decided to explore the room, this would be her only chance to do so... at least it's what she thought.







Killer walked around the room, her bed had white covers with some pink and red pillows. In front of the bed, there was a table with some tea for her to make and some fruits for her to eat. Then there was a fireplace to keep warm. There were two nightstands next to her with some candles. There were some poufs for her to lie around.

 There were some poufs for her to lie around

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(ye- the room is something like that. It's just missing more couches)

Killer looked at the staircase, she was kind of scared about where it would take her but she still went. When she got to the top she got to a place with some books and a couch, there was also a balcony connected.

Killer slowly walked over to the balcony and instantly felt a burning gaze looking at her. She looked up and saw these huge beautiful windows behind them. Nightmare stood there, he glared at her and turned away, a frown on his face.

Killer knew he didn't trust her but she really had the urge to turn into a bird and fly for a while. She wanted to relax all her stress but really couldn't, she knew she was being watched.

Killer went back to the other floor and decided to go to sleep. She slowly lay down on the bed and covered herself with the blankets. They were really comfortable and warm.

She smiled in satisfaction and slowly fell asleep, her eyelids started feeling heavy as time passed by. And soon everything went dark.


Question of the day: What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Yay! Short bonus chapter! Please don't be mad that it's super short- I'll try to give bonus chapters on Mondays. I might especially add them if they have less than 1,000 words.

Hope you enjoyed it, stay safe, and goodbye! See you on Wednesday!

Word count: 752

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