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Maya's POV
After Brayden and I's argument, I changed my Twitter username to @tumblurmayacube and I checked all my notifications. "Stop you're being a horrible person to my wonderful Brayden.." "Brat" "You suck you really shouldn't treat Brayden like that.." I regretted reading the messages as I went to read my texts. "MAYA PLEASE" was my recent one from Brayden, while others were from Internet friends asking if I was alright. I ignored all, just wanting to escape, wishing I never met Brayden. I started to see my subscribers drop one by one of YouTube, as tears rolled down my face. *knock* *knock* I heard as I wiped my eyes and headed for the door. I unlocked it to see Brayden standing there, his eyes bloodshot and red. He looked awful, his hair a mess, his eyes all droopy, and he looked so tired I thought he could pass out right there. "Maya... At least hear me out.." He said soothingly, making me want to forgive him but I stood my ground. "Fine. Go on, explain." I said since I wanted to hear the excuses he would come up with. "Well it all started with I was texting you when I heard a knock at the door. I went to get it to see my bratty ex-girlfriend, Jen, standing there. I tried to tell her we are through, but she wouldn't listen and kissed me. I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you.." he said as a tear slipped. "But you enjoyed the kiss.." I said, sounding more hurt than I intending. He looked away with a guilty look and I almost slammed the door on him but he stopped it with his foot. "Okay I enjoyed it... but I couldn't back away. If a guy who could kiss really well came up to you wouldn't let go." He said, trying to make a point. "Yes! I would back away! Because I like you!" I said as I slammed the door successfully this time, making sure I locked it. "Open. This. Door. Now." He said loud enough that I could hear it. Even though I hated him, I still respected him. "What." I said I opened the door. "Maya.. I like you." Brayden said as I stared into his bloodshot eyes. "Brayden I can't.." I said as I tried not to let my inner fangirl take over. "I understand... But at least take this." He said as he handed me an envelope and headed away from the door. I curiously opened it, a little scared. I gasped as I took out the $5,000 from the envelope. Tears slipped out as I checked the note attached.
To Maya,
Man do I think you're amazing. You're sweet, kind, and beautiful. I love having you in my life. Use this to keep that smile on your face. As long as that smile is there, so is mine. xoxo
~Brayden <3
I was full on crying now as I couldn't believe what was happening. I put down the note and the money and ran out the door. I ran faster than I had ever ran before. I saw him walking to his car in the parking lot, looking down watching his feet. "Brayden!" I yelled as he turned around, while I leaped into his arms. He spun me around as we hugged. "Brayden you didn't have to," I said softly as I realized I wasn't mad at him anymore. "Of course I have to. I care to much about you to let you starve." He said sweetly as he stared into my crystal eyes.
"Brayden... I love you."
"Maya, I love you too."
We said as we kissed in the parking lot.

Invisible // TheCampingRusher fanficWhere stories live. Discover now