The Golf War-Part Two

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The group soon arrived at their destination, now looking over the medieval themed mini-golf park, that was already brimming with people.

"Wow, this place is awesome!" Mabel breathed, in amazement.

Will scanned the crowd of people. "It seems most of the town is here. And hey, there's Robbie."

He pointed to a nearby wall, where the Cupid of Broken Hearts was currently spray painting the word "Weiners" on it. Robbie chuckled, before a teenager in a king costume drove towards him in a golf cart.

"Hey you! Stop before the king of mini golf!" He yelled.

Robbie ran off, and the teen proceeded to slowly drive his cart in pursuit.

"Come back here!" The teen demanded, then his eyes widened. "Hey, those are lewd hand gestures!"

"OK, I'm gonna ignore that," Bill said, then scanned the park curiously. "So, where do we start?"

Mabel smiled.

A moment later, the group were by the first course. Will stood before the golf ball in place, preparing to swing.

"Almost got it..." He said to himself, before hitting the ball.

The ball unfortunately didn't go far, and somehow rolled into the nearby lake.

"Aw man," Will said.

Mabel came over. "Don't worry, Will, you're still," She took out a dinosaur sticker, then pressed it on his shirt. "Ext-ROAR-dinary!"

"I'll take what I can get," Will decided, then Mabel moved to place down her ball.

Mabel paused in front of it, wiggling her hips a bit, before hitting the ball. The group watched in amazement, as it expertly dropped into the hole.

"Holy smokes!" Bill gasped.

"I know right," Stan agreed. "Finally, someone in our family has talent!"

"Trust me, the real fun is just beginning," Mabel smiled.

The group followed her, as the Heart Guardian effortlessly scored each course, before finally arriving at the 18th hole, which was a miniature windmill.

"You got this, Mabel!" Dipper encouraged.

Mabel nodded, then took a deep breath, before hitting the ball. It rolled into the entrance of the windmill, before coming out the other end, but when it was nearly by the missed.

"Aw, nuts!" Mabel exclaimed, throwing her golf club to the ground. "I almost had that one!"

Stan stopped beside her, and patted his niece's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, that thing's random."

"Yeah, besides from the Bermuda Triangle, how mini-golf works is the world's most biggest mystery," Bill chimed in. "As far as I'm concerned, you're the still greatest mini-golf player in Zero Gravity--"

He was cut off, when a golf ball scored the same hole that Mabel missed. The group stared, before turning to see a familiar blonde strutting into the park. It was Pacifica, not in her usual white gown, but dressed in lavender coloured golf attire.

She smirked in their direction. "Oh, isn't it the gang of weirdos." She pointed to Will and Bill. "The Creep twins." Then Dipper. "Nerd." Then Stan. "Old." Then finally, at Wendy. "And someone who is in desperate need of a shower."

Wendy glared at her. "Pacifica, what are you doing here? We were enjoying the fresh air without your cheap perfume ruining it."

"Calm down, Wendy," Mabel told her, gently. "Mini-golf is for everyone."

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