Taking a trip

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Aug where u taking me?


Why the blindfold?

U love me right?

If u trying to kill me just know I haunt yo skinny ass

I'm not gone hurt u babe just relax

Okay *takes deep breath*

30mins later

Okay take the blindfold off

-takes it off then freeze up after noticing where yal at-






u done fuck up


im not getting on no damn plane 


- look down and see ant- babbyyyyy


chay mya and kay!!!!!

wow no one show me love -pouts-

well while yal get on a plane im drive to florida 

no u not come on

ugh do i have to get on the plane 

all them: Yes!!


on the plane

i need a drink 

baby calm down 

i can't august im scared 

look baby 

-looks out the window and see we in the sky-

hell no im want to get the fuck off now!!!

excuse me miss can u please be quiet u disturbing some people

FUCK THEM!!! can u give me some henny 

sure sweetie -leaves to get drink-



im scared 

baybeh im right chea' 

where my M&M?

i still don't know why u name a heart shape bear that and ma got it drop off at our hotel it be in our room

for one i was hungry for some second i don't where the hell is my drink u know what im not drinking that shit she gone give me im get some drink out my bag

how the hell?

-shrugs- i know some people

i see

here go yo drink miss 

take that shit back u look familiar 

i don't know what u talking out ma'am

oh hell naw u that one bitch who try to get with me 

oh its u....u sure u don't want to unless try it?

i got a full bf with A DICKKKKKK!!!!!!

like i care bet he can't do it like me

bitch i never fuck u 

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