Chapter Seventeen ( Part One )

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Later that night Maya waited for Carina at the apartment, taking the advice she had been given by Vic and the rest of the girls. The table was set up nicely in the kitchen, the old record player she had been given by her late grandmother set up with the apartment's sound system. Meanwhile in the living room, all the furniture had been moved out of the way and the blond-haired woman had hung small white Christmas lights from wall to wall. This was how she decided to apologize, light music and a candle lit dinner. As the marine lit the match and allowed the sent of the candle to fill the kitchen she felt her phone vibrate. She smiled when she looked down at the screen and saw a text from Andy.     

Andy: Okay, Vic left the dress with the note in carina's locker.. I just saw her go in there so she should be home soon. Did you put the blouse and the black slacks on that I ironed for you?    

Maya chuckled and typed her reply, Andy had always been more of the motherly type.     

Maya: Yeah I did, thank you both for everything by the way. I hope she likes it.     

Andy: She will, I know it. Especially since you dressed up for her, she hasn't seen that yet so she'll know it's special.    

Andy: God carina what takes so long to put on a damn dress. Oh. Wait.    

Andy: Sweet baby Jesus, Maya you better be prepared. She just left, good luck. We love you both.    

With that, the lieutenant inhaled a shaky breath. She knew Carina had already forgiven her for the whole misunderstanding on Friday morning. However she sought to make the night perfect, to prove just how sorry she was. Enzo laid in his oversized bed by Maya's bedroom door, anticipating the Doctor's return as well. He wore a small bow tie around his neck that she had bought earlier that day along with the record  chosen specifically for that night. He noticed his master's anxiety and padded over to her while she retrieved the wine from one of her cabinets.    

Maya brushed her fingers through the golden retriever's fur in an attempt to calm herself.  Knowing the drive from the hospital would take twenty minutes at the least, she fixed herself a drink and took a seat on the couch. Enzo followed and laid by her feet as she let her mind wander to the brunette. The marine knew what she wanted for herself and Carina, a life together. To grow old side by side and to go through life's storms as one. She closed her eyes and imagined the woman she loved four or five years from now, pregnant, carrying their unborn child as she laid in the marines arms. Tracing every inch of her tanned skin with callused finger tips and breathing in the faint scent of lavender. Yes, that was what Maya wanted more than anything, to spend the rest of her life proving to Carina just how much she loved her.    

Finally the lieutenant heard the sound of the front door opening slightly, her ears being trained to hear the slightest of movement. Smiling to herself, Maya made her way to the entrance to meet Carina at the door.  Andy had been right to wish her luck.  The black dress hugged the Italian's sinuous curves in a miraculous way that made Maya's mouth go dry. When the Doctor turned around and met the lieutenant's loving gaze, she smiled and watched the older woman approach her.    

Carina's eyes scanned the dimly lit apartment and then her lieutenant. Maya had been dressed in charcoal tailored slacks paired with a white button up that made her look like a business woman who had just finished work. The top two buttons had been undone, exposing her collar bones as well as some cleavage. She placed her hands on Carina's waist and smiled. 

   "You look absolutely incredible." Maya spoke softly, while Carina gave the lieutenant a once over. "Please, come in." She motioned a hand to invite the smaller woman inside as Enzo trotted over to the brunette with a thorn-less white rose in his mouth.  The Doctor bent at her knees as she scratched the puppy behind his ears and took the rose as she looked up to the marine. She narrowed her eyes, wondering what Maya had planned for the evening.

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