Advise on the ex

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I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Harry walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hello little one."

"Morning." I smiled as he kissed my neck. "Breakfast is almost done."

"You didn't have to make breakfast."

"I know but you know I love being in the kitchen." I smiled and turned around in his arms. "You look like you're thinking about something. What's up?"

"Christmas is coming up. What do you want to do? I don't want to make you feel like you have to spend Christmas with me, I just wanna know what you wanna do."

I shrugged. "I was gonna ask Binky what she was gonna do because I might be spending it with her, India and mummy."

He smiled and nodded. "Alright."

"Do you want me to spend Christmas with you?"

"I mean, it would be quite nice. But I just want you to do whatever you want and whatever is gonna make you happiest."

"Aww." I smiled and kissed him. "I will let you know as soon as I talk to Binks." I turned back to the waffles I was making. "Breakfast is done." I played it up and we sat down at the table together.

A few hours later, we met up with Habbs, Liv and Sam for lunch.

"Dingy and I are actually hosting a dinner party." Liv told us.

"That's so cute." Habbs smiled.

"Which you guys are all invited to. But maybe I'll ask Mytton. If I ask Mytton and tell him to ask you to be his date. Would you allow that?"

"Absolutely. 'Cause I just wouldn't be able to ask him."

"How are things going with you and Alex?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're getting to know each other, I would say."

"Are you gonna bring anyone?" Liv asked Sam.

"There's no one I can bring on a date. No one I know, anyway."

"What about Clemmie? Or is she actually dating Jamie?"

"I don't really know to be honest. I think, um... I think their just dating really. The early stages of whatever... whatever it is."

"If he hadn't have stolen the limelight, would you have gone for Clemmie? Like, did she interest you?" Habbs questioned.

"Yeah, I've got to say she interests me, 100%." Sam admitted.

"I think sometimes you feel a bit overpowered by the other boys when I don't think you should." I told him.

"I do." He immediately agreed. "All the time Bells. I've never really dated before. I've never actually been on a proper date."

"Okay, imagine we've set you up with Habbs." Liv hypothesised. "How would you, like, start chatting her up? Or like, what would you say initially to get her to be interested?"

"Ok. Right, please don't judge me on this."

"No ones judging." Habbs assured him.

"You know what, I only just kind of met you really recently, but you seem like a really really lovely girl." Sam started. "You're beautiful, as I'm sure you know. I think from what we've..."

"I'm sorry." Liv cut him off. "You've got something hanging from your chin beard and it's very distracting."

"You're chin beard?!" I laughed. "I think Sam just gets so nervous it looks like he doesn't know how to talk to girls."

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