Chapter 6

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This fic is quickly taking the spot as my favourite fic to write... ig this means you guys can expect more frequent updates haha.

Sasuke watches, slightly amused, as the heroes struggle to subdue their enemy. They aren't particularly strong either, the heroes are just incapable of working together.

He sits on a bench and relaxes. It's almost laughable, the amount of effort the heroes are putting in, just to still fail.

The screams slowly get closer and louder and Sasuke knows he'll end up intervening at some point.

"Hey, kid! Get out of the way!" A hero, Mt. Lady, Sasuke remembers, yells.

Sasuke languidly opens his eyes and stares at the... thing exploding it's way over to where they are. It has the appearance of a large beast and uses buildings to propel itself faster.

The Sharingan spins lazily in his visible eye and the beast freezes. It relinquishes it's hold on a building and drops down to the concrete, sending pieces of the sidewalk flying everywhere.

2 minutes prior, Mt. Lady POV

Yu watches as the kid ignores her shouts to move, and instead stares at the villain she was fighting. She's about to yell at him again when the villain cowers and removes itself from the building it was on.

Yu makes sure the civilians are out of the blast radius of the concrete sidewalk while Kamui subdues the villain.

It's strange, she thinks as she explains what happened to police. It's even stranger when the police ask her to go into more detail about the kid's eye. Stranger still, when she can't remember what the kid looks like, despite having looked at him directly.

The police sigh when she says that she can't remember the details about him.

"What's so important about the kid anyway?" She wonders aloud.

"That's what I'd like to know." The police officer sighs. "He escaped police custody awhile ago, taking one of the villain's with him."

"That kid?" She asks incredulously.

"The very same." The police officer closes their eyes and rubs the bridge of their nose. "The weird thing is that no one can remember a damn thing about him. The only thing anyone can seem to remember are some weird eyes. Any and all information about himself he'd given was gone too."

Approximately an hour after the villain fight

Sasuke enters the Suzuki household without making a sound. He hears conversation in the kitchen and walks up the stairs.

"Sasuke-kun? You're home." Himari asks.

They must have a system installed that alerts them when someone enters the house.

Sasuke wrinkles his nose at the word "home" but enters the kitchen nonetheless.

"Where were you?" Haru grumbles.


"Where?" Himari presses.

"Why does it matter?" Sasuke crosses his arms.

"Sensei has instructed us to-" Himari begins, but Sasuke cuts her off.

"I'm not here to play house." He says bluntly.

Himari's smile wavers, but she continues. "Sensei has instructed us to be your parents, so we will act as such."

"How about I give you some instructions." Sasuke snaps. "Leave me the fuck alone. You're not my parents unless there's other people around, remember that, and stay out of my way."

He turns to leave but he's stopped by Himari making a strangled noise. He turns back to them to see Haru's eyes roll to the back of his head and Himari clutching her heart like it pains her.

So All for One did brainwash them, then.

"I understand, Sasuke-san." Himari's voice is weary and strained. "We will not bother you for things outside of the mission but I ask that you play your part when it's necessary."

"Naturally." Sasuke turns his back once again.

"I've set up the required books and supplies for your mission in your bedroom, please ensure that you're up to date."

Sasuke doesn't bother to stay and listen to see if she has anything else to say. He shunshins to his temporary bedroom.

Sure enough, there's an assortment of books and school supplies.

The bedroom itself is smaller than the one given to him by Sarutobi as a child, but not by much. The walls are a light colour and there's plenty of unused storage space. The bed seems to be queen sized but Sasuke doesn't really know a whole lot about beds. There's another door that leads to what he assumes to be a bathroom in the left most corner of the room.

Sasuke drags his hand across his face and summons one of his smaller snakes, Ahmya.

The small snake poofs into existence and takes in her surroundings eagerly. "Sasuke-sama! Where are we?"

Ahmya is still young and full of energy, Sasuke briefly regrets not getting some more sleep before summoning her.

Sasuke gives her a short rundown of the situation and she frowns. Well, as much as a snake can visibly frown.

"Dimensional travel? When did you learn that?" She asks, confusedly. Sasuke understands the sentiment.

"I didn't. I'm guessing it's a power of the Rinnegan, but I don't know how to undo it."

"I've never heard of this happening to previous Rinnegan users... it seems you're the first to do it! As expected of Sasuke-sama!" Ahmya slithers around excitedly.

"...Right. Did you sense anything off with the contract?" Sasuke wonders. It would be odd if there was nothing amiss. Some of the summons are older than even the Warring States Period.

"If any of the others did, they didn't say anything to me." Ahmya says. If she were human, Sasuke could picture her shrugging.

"Hn." Sasuke's lips twitch downwards.

"I can relay what you told me to the others, if you wish?" Ahmya is likely excited at the prospect that she knows something the others don't. Since Ahmya is much younger, it's not often that she gets to be the bearer of interesting news.

Sasuke nods and releases the summon.

With a sigh, Sasuke sits down and gets to work on setting up protective seals around his room. He checked for cameras or wire taps already but there were none. It makes sense, Sasuke supposes. All for One probably figured he would check and thinks it's a show of goodwill or trust that he's allowed Sasuke privacy.

It doesn't take long before he's done with the wards in his room. None of the people in this world have the chakra to break them so they aren't particularly difficult to set up.

The sun has long since set, leaving the room dark since the only light comes from a lamp on Sasuke's bedside table. With one last cursory glance around the room, Sasuke picks up one of the books and begins to skim the pages.

Himari & Haru: You wouldn't like me before my coffee
Sasuke: That's so weird because I fucking hate you... all the time... every day

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