Naomi and Raye

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17th January 2007:

Kiyo's POV:

It was never my goal to get noticed by L or Light on the day of the exam. I was one of the first students to arrive at the university to give my paper, and I would be the first one to run out of there. 

The whole damn reason I wanted to get to To-Oh was to make sure I was present when L, Light, and Misa come together at the University. Maybe spy on Light a little, maybe spy on L a little, catch a few random slip-ups, and understand their personalities more, gain unnoticeable but game-changing leverage against them.

I had finished the exam quite fast, a bit too fast for my liking actually, and so I had sat there for about thirty minutes before handing in my answer sheets and leaving for HQ. Packing up my belongings I headed out, thoughts regarding the near future swarming my mind. 

Today I was going to say and do some things whose absence I had always questioned while watching the anime, some very simple and obvious things I always wondered why L never thought of. This was the reason I couldn't really tell how things were going to play out.

Up until now, I had known it all. I had known exactly what and how and where and when things were going to happen, but now, if I went ahead with my plan of action, things may not be the same anymore, there will be uncertainty, there will be confusion, there will be chaos..

It was exhilarating

If feeling the same rush of nervousness and anxiety in the brightest of light as that of being in the deepest darkness, if having my heart thud in my chest as though I have sprinted through a marathon even while I sit still, if making my breathing ragged and mind run miles at an hour simply because I didn't know who was going to die next meant that I needed to fuck up the Death note timeline, then I was going to fucking do it. 

I reached HQ in record time, and yet, to my surprise, I found L seated before me in his usual spot. He seemed to be in deep thought as he played around with his uneaten slice of chocolate cake, YES CHOCOLATE CAKE, that was placed in front of him.

Maybe he heard the sound of the door shutting or my footsteps since his eyes snapped up in my direction in surprise before they softened, going back to their usual blank emotionless state, "I believe you did well in your exam?" He asked in a lazy voice.

"We won't know until the results come out, now would we?" I replied childishly, my playfulness bubbling up and out which made L smirk slightly.

My eyes scanned the room in front of me. L seemed to be all alone and I believe no task force member had either arrived still or they were all on a holiday. The timing couldn't be better, and I wasn't one to let an opportunity like this slip through my fingers.

3rd Person POV:

"I need to speak to you, L," Kiyo said as she sat down on the couch next to his chair, a serious expression on her face and in the tone of her voice.

"I needed to speak to you as well, what a coincidence," L replied, his eyes not leaving the piece of cake he was smushing under his silver cutlery, "And I believe we both need to speak about the same thing, your theory," L paused, finally looking up at the girl.

Kiyo took that as her cue to begin speaking, "As I had said the other day, moving forward with your assumption of Light being Kira, I have reason to believe that with according to your theory about Kira coming in contact with Naomi before the police, Light and she must have met physically, in person."

L's hands seemed to have suddenly realized that it was cake that he had been mashing up and finally took the first bite out of it, all while keeping his dark, calculative eyes solely focused on Kiyo.

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