Turnabout Memories

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(Bold are thoughts and | are for what is added or updated in the courtroom record)

Miles immediately took Phoenix's case, Mia deciding to be one of the co counsel, Mr Grossberg being the other co counsel.

Phoenix was adamant on pleading guilty, with no deal.
Miles knows that Phoenix didnt kill anyone.

He wanted to read Phoenix's mind what really happened, but he decided against it.

He didnt want to violate his best friend's privacy. But his gut was telling him, screaming that Phoenix didn't kill anyone or do anything wrong and his fathers, adoptive and biological, said it never hurts to go with what your gut says.

In the lobby, Phoenix has a face mask on, not exactly the picture of health, he was coughing real bad.

Phoenix had explained he did have some Coldkiller X, but he had lost his bottle, so he couldn't take anything for his "cold".

Miles may not have a medical degree or is a certified doctor, but it didnt mean he didn't have access to medical education.

The library is a great source for these things, and the way the cough Phoenix has is sounding, it doesn't sound like a cold.

Phoenix had stayed quiet in the lobby, except saying he wants to plead guilty. Miles, not believing he is guilty, denied this plea.

They go into the courtroom, a man with a pompadour hairstyle, green suit, and glasses was at the prosecutor's bench.

This is Winston Payne. His father and himself are prosecutor's with great records.

Mr Payne's father had faced Fenikkusu many, many times and all were losses, so Winston and his little brother Gaspen vowed to face Fenikkusu and win, avenging their father's dignity.

Winston Payne has lost none of his cases and is nicknamed "The Rookie Killer." Due to him often facing and winning against beginning attorneys.

However, this was Winston's first trial against a highly experienced and successful lawyer, though one of his co counsel is indeed a rookie.

Well, Mia did defend someone, but that didnt go well. But before that story, let's move on to this story.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Phoenix Wright." The judge announced.

"The prosecutor is ready, your honor."

"As is the defense."

The judge, an elderly man with a bald head and a grey beard nods and says "Prosecutor Payne, your opening statement if you will."

Payne then grinned and says "Of course your honor. The murder in question happened two days ago at Ivy University behind the pharmacology department. The victim, a pharmacology student named Doug Swallow, was discovered soon after a power outage. He died of electrocution, as stated in the autopsy report."

|Autopsy report added to the Court Record|

"Electrocution huh? I dont see anything about a taser or something Mr Payne." The judge inquired.

Payne smirked and then says "Well your honor, this defendant is certainly a unique one."

The judge notices Phoenix's power repressing collar. "Oh, what kind of necklace is that on the defendant? I haven't seen them in stores. Is it a new fashion trend?"

Payne chuckles and answers "No your honor. It actually does connect with what I mean of Mr Wright being a unique defendant. You see, he has strange abilities, one of which is electrokinesis."

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