nineteen >>> Writing Again

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Writings a form of therapy.
Getting involved in worlds
that aren't my own.
Worlds I can get lost in,
trapped in.
Finding a little bit of peace
at any time of the day.

Teachers tried to rip it all away
telling me I couldn't write certain things,
tried to control the stories I couldn't tell.
So I stopped for a while.
Who does that to somebody?

These characters, these stories were trapped,
screaming inside my head.
Begging to be let out, but I couldn't, I wouldn't.
Not till another teacher came a long
helping me find my voice once again.
Helped me to see that writing was
who I was and who I am.
And I may have doubts,
I may hate what I write
yet at the end of the day
writing's the only thing that stays.

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