𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 46

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I opened my eyes and sat up. I raised my eyebrow when I felt that a part of my bed was wet. I got off the bed as the floor there was also wet.

I gasped and ran over to the fish tank. I looked inside and I saw Lilo was in there but the lid was on the floor.

I put some fish food inside and Lilo went to eat some but moved away from it. I raised my eyebrow and went to the kitchen and got a donut.

I went back to the room and took a small piece of the donut and dropped it into the tank. Lilo went over and ate the piece of donut.

"Hmm" I hummed before eating the rest of the donut. I put the lid back on and noticed that there was also water on the table.

I got a towel and started drying everything up. 'Where did all this water come from...' I thought. I looked back at the fish tank to see Lilo was just staring at me.

"Hmm..." I hummed while staring back at Lilo. 'There's something up with Lilo... he doesn't usually just stare at me like this' I thought.

My eyes widened. 'IS HE DEAD!!?' I thought. I ran to the dining room to look for someone to help me.

"Y/n! breakfast will be ready soon I-" Shinobu stopped. "Why are you crying?" Obanai asked. "I think Lilo died" I signed.

"Oh my god" Obanai said face palming. "No Y/n come on let's look it might just be a misunderstanding" Shinobu said.

We went into my room and they looked at the fish tank. "You idiot the fish isn't dead!" Obanai said.

"Hmm?" I hummed looking at the tank. Lilo was swimming around the tank normally. "Why did you think he died?" Shinobu asked.

"Because he was just staring at me! And I think someone was in here last night! but I don't know who!" I signed.

"Obanai?" Shinobu said. "What?" Obanai said. "I saw you fall asleep in here multiple times when Y/n was on her mission with Tomioka" Shinobu said.

"Wha- It wasn't me!" Obanai said looking to the side. "Obanai you know if you like to sleep in here you can just come in and sleep I don't mind" I signed.

"I wasn't sleeping in your room😒" Obanai said. "Yeah sure..." Shinobu said. "Maybe it was a demon" I signed.

"WHAT! NO WAY A DEMON GETS IN HERE!" Shinobu yelled. "Okay" I signed. "I'll tell you what! Obanai will stay with you tonight and see if anyone comes into this room okay!" Shinobu said.

"Okay!" I signed. "NO! I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!" Obanai yelled. "We don't need to ask! you love my room!" I signed.

"Uh whatever" Obanai said. "Alright! don't worry Y/n we'll catch who went into your room!" Shinobu said patting my head.

"Anyways, here's a donut!" Shinobu said, handing me a donut. I happily took the donut and looked at the fish tank.

"Why is he glaring at me?" Obanai asked. "He just does that sometimes not sure why though" I signed.

"It's kinda creepy" Obanai said. "That's what ghost says" I signed. "Well he's right" Obanai said raising his eyebrow.


"Obanai come on!" I signed before jumping onto the bed. "Isn't it late for you to be jumping around like this?" Obanai said.

"No, we're having a sleepover!" I signed. "No we're not" Obanai said. "Yes we are!" I signed. "Fine it's a sleepover" Obanai said.

I looked at the fish tank to see Lilo glaring at Obanai. "Lilo it's okay!" I signed. Lilo narrowed his eyes at Obanai and started swimming around.

"Obanai how come you like my room it's like everyone elses" I signed. "No it's not" Obanai said raising his eyebrow.

"Then what's so different about it?" I signed. He shrugged. "Obanai... do you hate me?" I signed. Obanai sighed and sat up.

"Why do you always ask me that? I don't hate you" Obanai said. "You literally said you would be the one to kill me" I signed.

"Yeah but that's because I didn't want you to go and kill yourself" Obanai said. "What do you mean I would never do that" I signed.

"Well you clearly can't see it but we all do... your such an idiot you never take care of yourself when others are hurt or when you hurt others. you always blame yourself for the dumbest stuff that aren't even your fault. After the battle in the red light district you gave your blood to Tengen and I know you  know how bad that was for your health... you barely have any weaknesses but the only weakness you have is putting others before yourself it'll get you killed one day... everyone worries about the one thing that scares everyone the most is one day you won't come back from a mission... so don't get yourself killed because like I said I'm the only one who gets to kill you" Obanai said.

I smiled. "I'll do it again and again! I'll make sure everyone is safe! I swear to you I will kill all the demons so then you can all come back here and live peaceful lives together! I don't care if I die! I just want you all to be safe!" I signed.

"Did you not listen to a word I said! Your so dumb!" Obanai said. "I don't need to be afraid of dying! You don't need to be either! You know before this life I've been reincarnated many times! but I wonder... who was I before this one... what were those lives..." I signed.

"You were probably some suicidal maniac" Obanai said. "And proud to be one" I signed. "Idiot child... just don't die" Obanai said.

"Can't make any promises! but I'm immortal, I never die! So don't be worried!" I signed. "Whatever," Obanai said.

I laid down next to Obanai and stared up at the ceiling. "Hey but if I do die can you promise me something?" I signed. "What?" Obanai asked.






"Promise?" Y/n signed before holding her pinky out to me. "Yeah" I said, wrapping my pinky around hers.

"Now go to sleep, it's like 1 am in the morning," I said. "Hmph!" She hummed crawling under the covers.

'You won't die... you can't...' I thought softly patting her head.

Thank you for reading today's chapter! Until next time my friends! SEE YA!😈

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now