Internship Start!

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"Ok class it is time to turn in your forms with your answers.  I hope you hose right cuz you're out of time," Aizawa announces bring out a basket for papers.  "You will start tomorrow or the day after, so we are gonna take it easy today.  You can do whatever while I sleep," Aizawa mumbles as he slouches down onto the floor curling into a ball with his sleeping bag.  Ida started yelling off a single file line and what not straight dater.  Tanjiro looked down at his paper then at the basket as he started to stand.  Tanjiro placed his paper in the basket, but the glance that Giyu saw from the paper confused him. 

"Tanjiro, Why was there only one option on there? You need more options, " Giyu said trying to make sure that he was right before Aizawa took the papers.  "Yeah, I know I did it on purpose.  That's the only person I want to work with, so if it isn't him I don't wanna do it, " Tanjiro said with a plan in mind.  Giyu sighed as he put his paper in and sat back down, "Whatever, but if u don't get who you chose the staff will pick for you." 

"Yeah, I know, but I asked everyone if anyone had u in before choose cuz I haven't heard anyone say his name. He only chose one person from this class unlike some who gave one to like everyone, " Tanjiro explained confident he will get the hero he wants.  "Ok?  Do say I didn't warn u if u don't get your wish, " Giyu says before turning ahead messing with a phone that the staff gave him. The class hung out and talked about their choices and excitement.  Deku and Tanjiro chatted about their choice and then Deku started to explain what he knows about the hero Tanjiro picked. Deku also explained that he had no choices until yesterday he got a final offer that was added late.  They talked with the others as the slayers joined and the rest of the Dekusquad joined.  They talked till it was lunchtime and their groups spilt off. 

They grabbed lunch and sat down at the smart table they both at every time.  The slayers talk about their choices which were basically the same ones Giyu suggested. They needed backups too, so they had them, but most people get the first person but it depends on who you choose.  The teens headed to the last classes making their way through English with Mic, Math with Midnight, All Might with final training at the end of the day, and once again they only did some simple push-ups and squats rather than a fight or match to keep the. Ready for tomorrow.

The class split off some going to stores or families and the rest back to the dorns.  They ordered pizza as a celebration for making it as far as they did.  They all just spent time together and had a normal night.  By force of Giyu Tanjiro took the bed and Zenitzu slept with Giyu on the floor.

The night went by and everyone woke up got ready and head out as quickly as they could excited to leave to train.  The class settled into their seats as Aizawa walked in with papers that were turned in yesterday.  He handed them out to the people in the class and started to explain.

"On your paper at the bottom, there is a line for who you're inturning with and where.  Grab your suits and let's go to the train we have no time to waste you start today, so figure out what u need and go, " Aizawa heads out to the bus out front for his class to come to after. 

Teens with their prepackaged stuff grabbed their costumes and bags and hopped on the bus.  Everyone was on in a matter of 45 minutes and ready to go to the station.  "Once you get to the station we will have a final meet and talk you you will go off to wherever you must go, " Aizawa starts as the bus starts moving.  "Well Mr. Confidence, Did you get the hero u wanted? " Giyu staff more sassy and talkative than usual.  'Yes, I did that you very much, " Tanjiro replied handing his paper off to Giyu. "Lucky bi.... " a grumble came from the man with Tanjiro's paper.

The bus ride was a short 15-minute drive.  They all went into a group and had one last little talk before they all left for their training.  Tanjiro didn't even need a train he turned around and walked right back out of the station.  He called a taxi after someone explaining how and went to the agency only 6 blocks away. 

Demon Slayer x Bnha CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now