Chapter Fourteen

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A loud voice thunders amidst the stillness in the corridor just as Cyrus pushes open the door to the room where Raiden is resting

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A loud voice thunders amidst the stillness in the corridor just as Cyrus pushes open the door to the room where Raiden is resting.

"Woah, Raia's already awake!"

A tall man with flaming red hair marches toward them, carrying a bag of apples. His eyes sparkle with delight as a wide smile runs around his lips, revealing one mischievous fang.

"Oh, the idiot," Raia mumbles.

Nathan's necklaces clang like clumsy bells as he rushes at them. His long coat is unbuttoned, as usual, and fluttering like bat wings. He wears a blue undershirt.

"Hey! How are you?" Nathan says, ruffling Raia's hair the way uncles do with their nieces. "I've been so worried about you and Kara. But I'm glad you're okay now. I'm guessing you've already healed yourself?"

Cyrus and Sonnet throw him a look, but Nathan tilts his head, blinking his eyes like an innocent kid, oblivious to the situation at hand.

Raia's face crumples as she glowers at Nathan. He freezes comically when he looks at her. Raia is staring at him with blazing eyes, a chilly aura radiating from her with a countenance of naked displeasure. He quickly fixes her ruffled hair, making himself look even more stupid than he already is.

"I'm sorry," he mutters stiffly.

"Enough already, you stupid young man," Sonnet scolds, dragging him inside by the ear.

Cyrus clears his throat and glances at Raia. "Let's go."

Raia says nothing as they enter the room. Silence embraces them as Raia's eyes land on Raiden, who is sleeping peacefully on a snow-white bed. He looks as terrible as she has expected. A bandage is placed on his left cheek, and a white gauze is wrapped around his forehead, pushing his blond hair up. Even though a white blanket covers his entire body, Raia knows that what lies beneath is far worse.

"Kara. He's like a brother to me," Cyrus says as he stares at Raiden. "It's difficult for me to send him on missions when I know the outcome will be like this. But, as a chosen holy warrior, it is his duty to serve Azarios by defending the people from such evils."

Raia frowns. "Brother? So Kara and you are. . . family?"

Cyrus gives her a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, you could say that."

Nathan's face lights up. "We're actually all family!"

Raia shifts her focus away from them and back to Raiden.

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