The fountain

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I'm sorry in advance

⚠️  TW    Violence, pain, trauma

"Come little baby Potter!" Bellatrix crooned, standing in front of the golden fountain. "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!"

Hari came to a stop before the witch, wand clenched tightly in her shaking fist. She had chased her through the hallways and up the lifts to reach the atrium.

"Aw how sad, the only one who loves you... dead!" She cackled, tilting her head back in mad glee. "He was the the only family you had left-" she tapped her chin in mock thought, "wasn't he?"

#) Shut up! (# Hari yelled, slashing her wand through the air. Bellatrix easily blocked the cutting curse, reflecting it back towards Hari. She felt the sting, then the warmth of blood as it trickled down her cheek.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!"

#) Sectumesempra! (#

Bellatrix easily dodged, "Ooh, I haven't seen that spell in a while! Where'd you learn that?" She cackled.

#)Crutio! (#

Bellatrix easily avoided the weak curse, "You've got to mean it wee baby Potter."

#) Crutio! (# Hari sent another curse, it was again weak. Bellatrix moved aside.

Wait, why was she casting in English, of course it wasn't working. #pai-# she was cut off mid way through the crutiatus curse as she was hit with the crippling pain that could only be the curse she'd been about to cast.

The pain lessened and she managed to look up from where she had crumpled to the floor.

Her eyes travelled up the dark robes till they reached the skeletal face of Lord Voldemort.

"Now now Potter..." Voldemort chided, "Dumbledore's golden girl really shouldn't be using unforgivable curses."

#) Don't call me that! (# why was he here!? How was he here!?

"We don't talk back to our betters Potter." He raised his wand again. "Crutio!"

Hari writhed on the floor, the pain was as though every muscle was being torn all at one again and again and again.

The pain lessened slightly again. She started to try to crawl back to her wand, hoping he wouldn't notice. She reached a shaky hand forwards, trembling fingers pushing her wand further from her.

She felt a pulling sensation and suddenly flew into the air, invisible bonds closing around her chest, arms and legs.

A hand tilted her chin. "Now now little fox." Voldemort said as he forced her to look at him. "Why are you trying to escape? We're just getting started. And don't worry, I noticed your little trick last time, quite a cunning plan actually.... more of what expected of a slytherin... no worries though, it won't work this time."

#) How did you do it? You showed me Sirius being tortured, but he was at his office the whole time how did you do it? (#

The image of Sirius writhing in pain flashed across her mind again.

"It was quite simple really, I realized you would recognize a mental illusion, so I simply had Bellatrix here cast a physical illusion of him in front of me. After that, it was simply a matter of sharing what I saw with you. You're so easy to manipulate."

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